Super Freak
I suppose. I should never be surprised to see copious complaints about any figure, but here I am, surprised. I think this looks great.
This is out of line.
Not trying to be mean here, but the character, in 10 years time, might be as currently popular as Joey from the cast of Friends.
Everyone's got to compare it to the IMINIME figure. Im thinking the headline should be "$150" as opposed to an arm & leg....and your first born.
I'm in the camp that likes the Trevor V2/MW sculpt more than this one. That being said, this is a pretty damn good sculpt. It isn't perfect, and it is "off," a little bit, but it's still probably the second best Walt sculpt out of all of them, and, for $150, you could do a hell of a lot worse. I said in another thread that it's not "off" in the same way that the HT Solo is "off." There's still a lot of Cranston in there, and, honestly, I don't even know if you can say this is representative of the final product, as Tyrion looked a lot better than the proto in a lot of the pics I've seen, and we know they're not averse to making changes, as we saw with Ned.
At the end of the day, I don't see the need for the **** measuring contest. The MW figure is an awesome looking piece, and, if you're willing to pay a bit more for a figure that you like more, do it. While I don't have it, it's a great looking figure, and, while it is more expensive, if you care that much about the character, it shouldn't deter you. If you're willing to overlook some minor things for an affordable price (in this market), go with the 3Zero. They're both awesome products, but, at the end of the day, this is about the 3Zero figure. Rather than settling for "it's inferior to another product," people should be trying to contribute feedback to make it better, so that you don't have to settle (and, as I said, if we're talking about settling, you can do a damn sight worse than a very good looking figure at a low price).
It looks damn good, well worth the asking price, anyone saying otherwise is ether trolling or may want to justify the price paid for a custom version from iminime which is a excellent looking figure though way overpriced which is the norm in the custom world but that's a whole other conversion.
I've tried to get myself an Iminime sculpt, but it's impossible or way over my budget right now. Seeing the announcement from Threezero made me happy, as it was looking promising. After seeing the full pictures, i was not wowed away. Why? Because Trevor wowed us before with this sculpt. So even if it would have been absolutely the identical sculpt as Trevors in this release, it wouldn't have the wow-effect, as it would have need to be MUCH better then the last sculpt. And as everyone knows, it's impossible, as Trevor nailed the likeness pretty perfect or almost near perfection. The clothes atleast aren't that good, it might be a fuzzable-think, but who knows how this will look when it's released.
As for the sculpt, I'm sorry to say, but i can't understand all the harsh comments here. Reading some comments with words like 'aweful', 'fail', 'so bad', and so on, makes me wonder, if I'm seeing other pictures? The sculpt itself looks great. The pupils might be a bit smaller, but still, these are the first pictures and last to say with a bad lightening to show of all the details of the sculpt. I'm sure with the right lightening, people can't recognize the difference between this and Trevors. The glasses could be better: smaller and thinner, more edged. They're a bit too large, so it gives an illusion that something is wrong with the sculpt, but the sculpt itself is great.
A user called "Christian Joel M. Cabrera" from OSR made a comparison between this sculpt and the real Walt, and it shows how great this thing is:
Well, I would say 4rd best, after Trevor's first versions and the Iminime ones (technically there are 5 of these, since Trevor gave us 3 variations of his first sculpt and 2 variations of the second one), and Rocco's. But Rocco's was large and unrefined. And it is better than the other ones I've seen.I'm in the camp that likes the Trevor V2/MW sculpt more than this one. That being said, this is a pretty damn good sculpt. It isn't perfect, and it is "off," a little bit, but it's still probably the second best Walt sculpt out of all of them
I think that's a bit of a misrepresentation. It's not about bragging that this version is better than that one, and I think Raymond's post captures a lot of the sentiment from those who are really looking for a company to focus on the details and improve on the other things out there, rather than putting something together that is good, but not great. As everyone here has posted countless times, the 30 one is a great value, and we can excuse things away because of that. But I don't think it hurts anything to point out some of the flaws, and certainly don't think it's worth people getting so upset about. But, to each their own. Obviously, many are going to be happy with this, and that's great. I would be willing to pay the price just for a nice Heisenberg outfit and the hat/sunglasses, since I only still have a regular Walt figure, but I don't think it's worth the cost for that.At the end of the day, I don't see the need for the **** measuring contest.
Looks like a lot of the dimensions are pretty spot on, and it's still hard to tell due to the lighting and glasses in the way, but I think the eyes could use some work. If that part isn't done right, then the full likeness just isn't going to come out of a sculpt.
Well, I would say 4rd best, after Trevor's first versions and the Iminime ones (technically there are 5 of these, since Trevor gave us 3 variations of his first sculpt and 2 variations of the second one), and Rocco's. But Rocco's was large and unrefined. And it is better than the other ones I've seen.
I think that's a bit of a misrepresentation. It's not about bragging that this version is better than that one, and I think Raymond's post captures a lot of the sentiment from those who are really looking for a company to focus on the details and improve on the other things out there, rather than putting something together that is good, but not great. As everyone here has posted countless times, the 30 one is a great value, and we can excuse things away because of that. But I don't think it hurts anything to point out some of the flaws, and certainly don't think it's worth people getting so upset about. But, to each their own. Obviously, many are going to be happy with this, and that's great. I would be willing to pay the price just for a nice Heisenberg outfit and the hat/sunglasses, since I only still have a regular Walt figure, but I don't think it's worth the cost for that.
Looks like a lot of the dimensions are pretty spot on, and it's still hard to tell due to the lighting and glasses in the way, but I think the eyes could use some work. If that part isn't done right, then the full likeness just isn't going to come out of a sculpt.