Re: 1/6 Wampa: Call for Payments- Next 5 on Waitlist Contacted!
Payment sent.
Thanks so much. It looks awesome!
Payment sent.
Thanks so much. It looks awesome!
Thanks for your patients and dedication to making this happen for us.
The first set of casts (so I can finish putting together a prototype) should be here today![]()
The jagged face of a huge ice wall sits gloomily in the dim twilight of a Hoth day. Luke hangs upside down, ankles frozen into icy stalactites, his extended arms within a foot of the snow floor. One side of his face is covered in a dried mask of frozen blood. He opens his eyes as a chilling moan of the hideous ice creature echoes off the gorge walls. Luke pulls himself up, grabs hold of his ankles, and futilely tries to unfasten the throngs.
Exhausted, he drops back into his hanging position. As he hangs there, he spies his lightsaber lying near a pile of his discarded gear, about three feet out of reach.
He focuses on the saber and, as his hand strains toward the weapon, he squeezes his eyes tight in concentration.
Just as the ice creature looms over Luke, the lightsaber jumps into Luke's hand.
The young warrior instantly ignites his sword, swinging up, and cuts himself loose from the ice. He flops to the snow in a heap. The startled creature moves back, his giant yellow eyes blinking. Luke scrambles to his feet. He swings his lightsaber and the beast screams in pain.