1/6th imperial troop transport

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Man... those babies are huge!!! Just seeing that piece in Mark's hand is giving me a headache when I try to comprehend the immensity of the entire piece :rock :rock

What are the length, width and height dimensions on this bad boy?
The bottom will need a wee sand but its a start... I hope to do at least one a day resin permitting! Lots of cussing and cursing but we are getting there mate

dude...............i am so blown away by the looks of that cast. i knew if anyone could pull that off you could. i am just stoked beyond belief. you sir are the master...........& i ..:bow
Ow hell now I am panicking thinking they will not fit... the bins are 11cm wide and 18cm tall.. which is 4 1/4" by 7"
no worries................if they dont fit i will just bust the transport to a million pieces & start over again to match the pods...............:wink1:

they will be fine..............:lecture
Dorgs, your pods are huge! (why does everything I say sound so wrong? :panic: :lol)

They look great, I knew you could do it.

And I hate that dreadful silicone leak, when you pour it and you think everything's going great, and then you come back and it's all over the table and the mold box is empty... :slap

Good thing you just needed more silicone!

Very nice work, can't wait to see when barryo has stuck the pods on his transport and has some stormies riding along in them... :panic:
ahahaha I am sure wee checked the sizes.... didn't we?????

yes....................yes we did............:wave

the paper is 4 1/4"w x 7"h & as you can see we have tons of room..............this isn't quite the placement as the bottom of the pods will be up a tad from the base..........so rest easy mark. we are gold baby !!!!!!!!!!........:yess:
Yeah... the whole thing; I guess I could have been clearer about that :lol

:lol...............i thought you meant the pods as well.

about 26" long from bow to stern.
about 13 1/2" at widest part of cab (closest to the main body)
about 9 1/2" wide at the body, the pods will increase that width once on.
height is about 9".........minus the guns, radar, battery box, & any wheels that get added.
the radar is the highest point .......about 14"........but again....minus any wheels.

anything else??
two down four to go :)

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/imperial%20transport/imptrans22.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
So when you doing the Bandoliers with these attached them Mark LOL ?
They are crisp and perfect. The Transporter is awesome and these are truely going to add to it immensly.
loving it...........:yess:

mark i apologize in advance for any hair loss, ulcers, missed sleep, or for any small children in your vicinity that had to hear any swearing in your endeavor to take this project to another level...........:wave

they look chuffin' grand...........(see, i'm picking up the language a bit...:))
been Pwork©ing real hard to get other bin done today....

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/imperial%20transport/imptrans23.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/imperial%20transport/imptrans24.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>