1/6th Scale IG-88 Figure LINK IN 1ST POST!

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If SS was smart they'd re-release Emperor Palpatine before HT announces theirs. If HT didn't announce one they would make some decent cash on it.

Pretty much sadly sums up what Sideshow has become as a company in the 1/6 world... Bottom feeders. Vader, Boba Fett, re-released to capitalize on the hot selling Original Trilogy Hot Toys. It is really sad as someone who was buying their stuff day one. They have just priced themselves out of the market to the point we all just laugh at their prices compared to the perceived quality. We know we would all flip the Emperors or drop our year out preorder as soon as Hot Toys previews theirs.

Had they cared even a little anymore they could have released 4-Lom as is or in a 2 pack with Fett for those that missed him. Then IG-88 could have shipped with a special Dengar 2 pack. This would have retained the collectible single original figures. They just don't seem to care.
I don't really get all the negativity towards this rerelease. It seems like a great figure, and I'm pleased I have a chance to get it for less than it goes on the secondary market. I understand that people have a point when they criticise the rerelease of an item formerly advertised as 'limited edition'. But I would respectfully disagree with them - and I also find it hard to separate this from a view of such figures as an investment. Why else would you be upset?

Surely this rerelease makes it more likely rather than less likely that Dengar and Zuckuss will get made? If you were only just getting into the bounty hunters you're not going to buy 4-Lom when there's no chance of getting IG-88 at a reasonable price. Bring on Bossk and the Tusken re-releases!

You didn't read the fine print: "Limited to the number we can sell.":lol

I don't really get all the negativity towards this rerelease. It seems like a great figure, and I'm pleased I have a chance to get it for less than it goes on the secondary market. I understand that people have a point when they criticise the rerelease of an item formerly advertised as 'limited edition'. But I would respectfully disagree with them - and I also find it hard to separate this from a view of such figures as an investment. Why else would you be upset?

Surely this rerelease makes it more likely rather than less likely that Dengar and Zuckuss will get made? If you were only just getting into the bounty hunters you're not going to buy 4-Lom when there's no chance of getting IG-88 at a reasonable price. Bring on Bossk and the Tusken re-releases!

Not sure what people would be upset about though - unlike figures like Greedo and to some degree Snowie (and SSC Yoda Mentor before HT announced theirs) - I've seen a couple of SSC IG's go for not a huge amount above original retail in the recent past. Here's one that went for $235 ($50 over retail):


Greedo goes for 4-5 times what he originally cost, maybe more.

The EX IG (with blade thingie) for some reason does seem way more desirable though but this re-release will not have that EX accessory and will be missing the light-up stand, so if people got the EX back then, it's worth $100 more than this re-release no matter what, even if there's an okay quality recast of the blade for $40.

Interested to see the price on this though (my guess is around $210, no light up stand, no EX blade) - SSC is shooting their own sky-high price increases in the foot with these re-releases.:slap
I'm extremely excited about this re-release! I had to sell mine a couple years ago and it's so nice that I'll be able to get a new one now without paying some ridiculous price.

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I have a feeling that this is being pushed by people higher up i.e. Disney. Disney seems to be ok with just about anything that gets more SW out there.
Sideshow can't even get the date right... - "..IG-88 Sixth Scale figure that is coming to a galaxy near you for Pre-Order on Thursday, May 26, 2016!.."

Will be nice to get this at an decent price. I'm okay with these re-releases aslong as the Exclusive items are not re-released.
you know what I wanna know....

remember when they dropped promo photos for 4-lom, and they featured a new bossk headsculpt in the background? One that is more screen accurate instead of the artistic liberties that sideshow took with bossk.... I wonder if they re-release bossk if they have that new headsculpt to go with it. NOW THAT would be interesting.

To say the least, so far the re-release Boba really didn't have any REAL significant upgrades to it, now I haven't seen any keen upgrades to the IG-88, but this does open an interesting conversation. If these re-releases really offer something upgraded, it could be something everyone would be interested in buying.
If everyone has it, it is no longer a collectable and special. Now all Sideshow is doing is making high end mass produced toys. Thanks Sideshow. Those who missed out at least you will get him, but there is no point to hurry and buy something if Sideshow is just going to re-release figures or make a ton of them.
If you buy it you better make sure you like it and really want it, because the secondary market is dead and this will make sure it stays dead.
you know what I wanna know....

remember when they dropped promo photos for 4-lom, and they featured a new bossk headsculpt in the background? One that is more screen accurate instead of the artistic liberties that sideshow took with bossk.... I wonder if they re-release bossk if they have that new headsculpt to go with it. NOW THAT would be interesting.

To say the least, so far the re-release Boba really didn't have any REAL significant upgrades to it, now I haven't seen any keen upgrades to the IG-88, but this does open an interesting conversation. If these re-releases really offer something upgraded, it could be something everyone would be interested in buying.

They did do a few actual upgrades on the Fett beyond slight color change (braids, chest armor/vest) but yeah, the Bossk head is pretty significant. I really didn't care for the original version of Bossk, but the new head would probably make me want to buy.

It's interesting they are making improvements to some of these re-release figures. makes you wonder whether they pay attention to forums like these or just have in-house ideas of what needs fixing.
Going on complaining for pages isn't going to change anything.

I'm quite happy this is getting re-released. eBay prices are insane for this.... SSC will be cheaper. Hopefully Bossk will be next.
SS = walmart

whatever your position on the re-release, this company simply lies. no one should be happy about that.

if you're going to re-release a character, make it entirely new. don't reuse an existing mold and give us a slight variation or simply omit an accessory.

it is poor form.
Yep, Sideshow shows a total disregard for the collectors. These are collectible figures and therefore have value; sorry if someone can't understand that but it's the just a fact. And when you re-release something it hurts the value of the original. I paid retail for the exclusive, so I'm not going particularly affected if I decided to sell mine later on, but anyone who paid a premium for, or was planning on selling a regular one is getting screwed.

This figure, unlike some of the others, actually had a set ES. Now Sideshow will remove the base and add $40 to the cost and pretend it's a new figure.

If it's a v2 (like Maul) that's one thing, but re-releases should never have happen. But clearly that's what Sideshow does now.
Bottom line is SSC is doing it for the money. R&D is already invested. This is minimal effort for maximum profit for them. I'm sure they are well aware of prices on second hand market and are producing accordingly and why shouldn't they. They are a company that wants to be profitable. I'm sure they have seen their market share erode greatly with Hot Toys and others dominating the market and figure they may as well make money where they can. Doesn't bother me. I get what I like because I like it, not for an investment. If u think u will fund ur retirement because of the dollies u purchase today well good luck. Enjoy the hobby for what it is. Get what u want don't get what u don't want. If they want to do re-issues let em. More than likely ur first run purchase had more accessories AND cost less.... Enjoy it on ur shelf and save ur money for an actual new release you want further down the line.......

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