1/6th Scale IG-88 Figure LINK IN 1ST POST!

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I love seeing other fans being able to get a figure when they weren't able to do in the first run, whether they had personal money issues, family, children, mortgage, rent, car payments, not a great job, etc, etc
To, me this is what a real community is about, also being happy for other fans.

And I collect items not for invest, its limited or regular release. I collect these pieces cause I personally like them, whether products from Hasbro to Anovos.

oh yeah one other thing for you self entitled people.

Disney bought Star Wars for $4 billions dollars! And since then many other companies have SW license to make products from Hot wheels, to BanDai, to Hot Toys, to Anovos.
So, expect Disney to milk the hell out of the SW license, and expect tons more reissues from Sideshow, Hot Toys, Hasbro, Hot Wheels, etc
especially since they need to make back their $4 Billion dollar investment for SW.

whether it is good or bad or "why" you collect is irrelevant. The fact of that matter is that SS has come up with an underhanded way to bypass their word as far as edition sizes are concerned. Moving forward they should just do away with edition sizes and make these forever...which is fine...but let consumers make informed decisions before spending their hard earned dollars.
whether it is good or bad or "why" you collect is irrelevant. The fact of that matter is that SS has come up with an underhanded way to bypass their word as far as edition sizes are concerned. Moving forward they should just do away with edition sizes and make these forever...which is fine...but let consumers make informed decisions before spending their hard earned dollars.

you have a point, but the reissue IG-88 doesn't include the exclusive Blade piece numbered at 750 and not even the lighup carbonite base from the regular figure numbered at 2500 pieces.

And I understand some people only buy products with "limited edition" stamped on them, but the original IG-88 retailed for about $175.00 exclusive or regular edition and the reissue will probably be around $200.00 but with less items.
So, why should one feel cheated from your hard earned dollars from the original IG-88 when it was less and with more items, in reality they got a deal compared to the reissue.
SSC advertised their products as high end limited edition collectibles. That's why some members feel cheated.
you have a point, but the reissue IG-88 doesn't include the exclusive Blade piece numbered at 750 and not even the lighup carbonite base from the regular figure numbered at 2500 pieces.

Do we actually know yet what it will come with?
Disney bought Star Wars for $4 billions dollars! And since then many other companies have SW license to make products from Hot wheels, to BanDai, to Hot Toys, to Anovos.
So, expect Disney to milk the hell out of the SW license, and expect tons more reissues from Sideshow, Hot Toys, Hasbro, Hot Wheels, etc
especially since they need to make back their $4 Billion dollar investment for SW.

They probably already have most, if not all of it back already.
They just need to do away with their "limited edition" language, or at least don't issue an edition size! The problem here is that there was a precise edition size for the regular and exclusive versions.

Now, if they want to go back and redo the same character and even attempt to improve on it, I'm all for THAT!
Rest assured I have a retirement plan wholly separate from my collectibles :lol But I do recognize they have value; so actions that devalue a collectible and go against a long standing policy of never rereleasing a sold out figure does bother me.

I'm pretty much done buying any Sideshow figures directly from them... I was interested in the Snowspeeder Luke, but no way I'd pay $270 for a figure after seeing how botched the X-Wing Luke was. And I'm no longer wanting to support them directly due to QC and them now rereleasing figures.

So if I buy Sideshow figures in the future it will be on the secondary market as I don't want to directly give them my financial support.

I respect your point of view, but I have to disagree with it. Apple shares and gold bricks have financial value, and holding that value or increasing it is their only purpose. The true value of these figures is not monetary, it's about the fun of collecting and displaying them, the pleasure they give, the way they take you back to your childhood. I sell off stuff like everyone else and try to get a good price, but if something gets rereleased and stops me turning a profit on the original release, well, more fool me for looking at a modern day collectable as an investment.
They wil re-release Bossk for sure. They will do the same again with Boba. That screen with all of them is a clue. IG re-release made it clear.

There's no way they would have sculpted and painted a brand new Bossk head just for a background photo shoot. The reissued Bossk with the new head will 100% be previewed in the next month or so.

The nuisance is that the Bossk head is different, no doubt more accurate. But it's probably the only enhancement over the original release.

It'll probably command a high part out price.

They did tweaks to the Fett suit, so it's possible there will be other minor tweaks to Bossk. There really weren't complaints re Bossk the way there were for Fett, but they made other changes to fett that weren't deal breakers like the chest armor/vest was.

SSC advertised their products as high end limited edition collectibles. That's why some members feel cheated.


I think this is the "legal" point that a lot of people are missing. You could theoretically be sued for saying "This is a limited edition collectible, edition size is X" then a few years later, just reissue the same thing all over again. When you tell a consumer something is a limited edition - and it's not - it's a lie. The customer partly bought it for the reason of it being Limited. If you're maybe going to re-release it, DON'T advertise it as a Limited Edition.

My main problem with the reissues is that is shows SSC is in a tailspin as a 1/6 company. They have promised/teased/"developed" so many things over the past few years - Rebo Band, 1/6 Landspeeder, Indy figs such as Mola Ram/Shorty to name just a few - only for the trail to go cold. And in general, their new figs pipeline has dwindled to a trickle.

Instead, we get re-releases of old figures while the handful of new releases are astronomically high in price (nearly $300 for a fairly basic Luke?) and, based on very recent figures, likely to have paint apps that are not just below HT, but below the apps on even an eBay recast. Very, very sad.:(
SSC advertised their products as high end limited edition collectibles. That's why some members feel cheated.

Nomenclature such as "Limited Edition" "Exclusive Edition" "Collectors Edition" are the verbage of marketing MBA geniuses who have created a consumerist culture that makes people think they have something that is uber rare when in actually it's not. There's a psychological aspect of marketing that makes you feel like you "have to have it" because of its "limited" production and you have to get it within a certain window of opportunity before it is sold out and have to pay secondary market scalper prices by greedy opportunists.
Man.... this is great. You guys are mad because they are making more? :lol:lol:lol Don't buy toys as an investment then. There is a special place for investing......... I will let you guys in on the big secret... the stock market! Seriously, sounds like some of you are mad because others will have your "collectible." Even if you are not selling.... why would you be mad that the value is going down. You are not selling, it doesn't matter then.

SSC is a business. They have a goal to make money.

As far as anyone being "cheated" :lol:lol:lol
Nomenclature such as "Limited Edition" "Exclusive Edition" "Collectors Edition" are the verbage of marketing MBA geniuses who have created a consumerist culture that makes people think they have something that is uber rare when in actually it's not. There's a psychological aspect of marketing that makes you feel like you "have to have it" because of its "limited" production and you have to get it within a certain window of opportunity before it is sold out and have to pay secondary market scalper prices by greedy opportunists.

It's also a legally binding term of the sale. Violate it, and you've lied to the consumer, making you vulnerable. If they didn't state "this item will be limited to a production of X items" they can do whatever they want.

However, "Limited Edition" IS what they stated. And they'll do this over and over... until someone comes after them. Maybe, maybe not, for a $200 collectible, but on a life size statue or bust costing many hundreds or thousands... I can see someone coming after them eventually as they do it more and more.
Some of you take things way to seriously or just have way to much times on your hands.

Maybe you guys can file a class action lawsuit! :lol:lol:lol
The originals are "limited editions", as they have not re-released them. They would have to be identical in every way. As long as 1 thing is changed, whether it is the box, a new accessory, omitting a previous accessory.... etc,etc. It is a new release. Now if they advertised limited and "NEVER TO BE OFFERED AGAIN FOREVER!" like some companies due with certain items, then you'd have some sort of recourse. Sideshow has never said they would never re-visit a figure. How many 2.0 Hot Toys figures have they're been? Why is no one ever up in arms when they do it? If I'm gonna be mad at Sideshow it's because their QC has gone to *****, and their prices have become laughable for the quality they give. That's a real reason to get mad, not because they re-issue figures that are still in demand. That's just smart business. Bad business is to expect people to continue paying premiums for garbage....
You guys are all totally off. A few years ago they released a limited edition red bespin stand with an IG-88 figure thrown in on the side. It sold so well that SS figured out how to re-release another of these.

In order to release another of these limited edition stands (but not violate the legal language) they had to change the color to orange and threw in some guy named Boba Fett.

Rest assured, those stands are still limited. The figures that were thrown in with the stands were never actually limited though and those are now being repackaged.

Is that clear to everyone?
Anything that throws a spotlight on Sideshow's outrageous new pricing is a good thing. IG-88 for around $200 and Bossk for under $200 just makes Snowspeeder Luke for $270 look even more insulting.

Ultimately, this is about Sideshow turning on their customers in many ways - telling someone it's limited when it isn't is minor... how about doubling prices in just five years, teasing and promising many new figures then never making them, taking ridiculous amounts of time between announcement and release, long delays or inaction in the CS dept, continuing to noticeably/laughably lag behind the state of the art in terms of headsculpt paint apps and sculpt detail (but charge the same or more than HT does.)

I mean you put a SSC Han Hoth head next to an eBay knockoff Indy head... and the eBay knockoff beats the SSC in terms of paint apps, sculpt detail and realism - hands down? It's outrageous.:slap

It's just these things are piling up. Personally, I don't have any real issue with re-releases, but I sympathize with those who do. I feel betrayed by Sideshow in other ways and yet often find myself in the position of defending them from the mocking "I'll wait for HT" crowd - and ultimately question why I do.
Hot toys? Don't get me started. I don't think their Star Wars line is any better than SS's. Infact I find the likeness look like thunderbird puppets. Chewie was okay, but he's the only non human they've done.

I really don't care what SS does, because I refuse to pay their prices for a toy. The quality and price are my biggest personal issue. The amount of things I've ordered direct and had show up here broken or damaged is mind boggling.
I really hope Sideshow does a re-issue of Greedo and possibly a Dewback. IG-88 is kind of tempting along with the other bounty hunters if they're all re-done/made.
Anything that throws a spotlight on Sideshow's outrageous new pricing is a good thing. IG-88 for around $200 and Bossk for under $200 just makes Snowspeeder Luke for $270 look even more insulting.

Ultimately, this is about Sideshow turning on their customers in many ways - telling someone it's limited when it isn't is minor... how about doubling prices in just five years, teasing and promising many new figures then never making them, taking ridiculous amounts of time between announcement and release, long delays or inaction in the CS dept, continuing to noticeably/laughably lag behind the state of the art in terms of headsculpt paint apps and sculpt detail (but charge the same or more than HT does.)

I mean you put a SSC Han Hoth head next to an eBay knockoff Indy head... and the eBay knockoff beats the SSC in terms of paint apps, sculpt detail and realism - hands down? It's outrageous.:slap

It's just these things are piling up. Personally, I don't have any real issue with re-releases, but I sympathize with those who do. I feel betrayed by Sideshow in other ways and yet often find myself in the position of defending them from the mocking "I'll wait for HT" crowd - and ultimately question why I do.

Actually, I think the SSC Han Hoth has the best Han Solo's headsculpt out there. In my opinion, it resembles the actor much better than any headsculpt made by HT.
Actually, I think the SSC Han Hoth has the best Han Solo's headsculpt out there. In my opinion, it resembles the actor much better than any headsculpt made by HT.

I agree 100%. It's just unfortunate Sideshow had to use dark brown/purple "skintone" paint without any shading or gradation applied 2mm thick (obscuring pretty much all finer sculpt detail) to paint it with.

And I won't make reference to the failed SSC inserted-eyeballs system. But hey, $240 Luke X-Wing did away with that system so it turned out much, much... oh, wait - no that had terrible eyes too, just in a different way.

Since day one Sideshow has had pretty great likenesses (thank you Trevor Grove:clap) - and yes, SSC's Ben outdoes the HT version in terms of likeness - but from day one Sideshow has also had awful paint, and that continued all the way into 2016.... as their basic figure prices went from $50 to $100 to $150 to $200 to $240 and now hovering in the just-under-$300 range.:slap
You guys are all totally off. A few years ago they released a limited edition red bespin stand with an IG-88 figure thrown in on the side. It sold so well that SS figured out how to re-release another of these.

In order to release another of these limited edition stands (but not violate the legal language) they had to change the color to orange and threw in some guy named Boba Fett.

Rest assured, those stands are still limited. The figures that were thrown in with the stands were never actually limited though and those are now being repackaged.

Is that clear to everyone?

lol, this was good : )

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