Nearly have already but not due to this.. solely on quality of final product and cost of said product.
I no longer pre-order anything SSC and have started to order HT from places without NRD and cheaper shipping.
I will let you know when they offer something I am actually interested in how hard the addict/collector in me wants to hit the order button.
Yeah, it's kind of easy to "boycott" a company when the quality is often so lacking, the price so sky-high, and NRD's on ever-lower pricepoints. You really don't have to take the high ground at all.

And even if you do pre-order a SSC figure based on the announcement - that ain't what you get. The last time I was excited for a figure was Luke X - first there was the $240 price for the most bare-bones figure imaginable, then the "held in the fingers" gorgeous proto pic of the headsculpt, then the in-hand pics hit showing the truly awful production apps.
Tan Solo Hoth, shrunken-head Indy