1/6th Scale Sideshow Boba Fett Figure

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Yup. Like a fly in your soup.

Exactly, fly in my soup, pissin' in my cornflakes; all similar sentiments.

And its funny when people talk about accuracy and what not; I played with this for years and never once considered why Boba's helmet was primarily blue :lol

But you were a kid, then, galacti. Playing with a $5.00 toy. :/ Don't think many of us at that age were too concerned with movie accuracy.
I never even noticed that Fett's helmet was blue until you pointed it out. Thanks a lot jerk! :mad:

I know right... I didn't really think about it until earlier today when I posted a pic of my collection in another thread :lol

But you were a kid, then, galacti. Playing with a $5.00 toy. :/ Don't think many of us at that age were too concerned with movie accuracy.

Sure, but $5 was harder to come by then than $175 now :lol Back then I had to wait to get toys, now I gets them whenever I want!!! :nana:

1.99. :lecture

Or free with 5 POPs.

Even more true... although I think at the end they might have gone up to $2.99. $5 would have been like Wampa prices :lol
I love that the image of Boba Fett on the offer looks even less like he should :lol Guess it helped that getting these for regular home viewing was nearly impossible when we were younger :lol
I looked on Rebelscum and they have the first figures at $1.99 and POTF releases at $2.99. Early bird special was $7.99 for 4 figures and the base. And I was wrong the Wampa was a whopping $8.99 :google

I remember when I was a kid my most wanted toy when Jedi came out was the Rancor! F'n loved and still love that thing... grand total of $12.99 :lol :lol Not to mention you could often find figures discounted to like $.99 or less... I mean who could pass on a General Madine for $.25 :huh :lol
Exactly, fly in my soup, pissin' in my cornflakes; all similar sentiments.

And its funny when people talk about accuracy and what not; I played with this for years and never once considered why Boba's helmet was primarily blue :lol


Nope, never had an issue with Fett as he was by far the coolest Star Wars figure of that time (although the Scout Trooper was a very close 2nd for me).
I remember the Death Star playset was $30 and my parents saying that was way too much money...I still use that as a gauge for inflation...like if it takes me $60 to fill up my tank, I think...man, I could have bought two Death Star playsets for this back in '78!
I looked on Rebelscum and they have the first figures at $1.99 and POTF releases at $2.99. Early bird special was $7.99 for 4 figures and the base. And I was wrong the Wampa was a whopping $8.99 :google

I remember when I was a kid my most wanted toy when Jedi came out was the Rancor! F'n loved and still love that thing... grand total of $12.99 :lol :lol Not to mention you could often find figures discounted to like $.99 or less... I mean who could pass on a General Madine for $.25 :huh :lol

Decent little story that you'll dig, J. One of my best friends tells this story about when he was a kid and had his tonsils removed. His mom tells him that she's going to go to the store to buy him a figure, so he's laying in bed excited for this thing, hoping for an Ewok or Luke or a Scout Trooper... She comes home and hands him General Madine. :lol Anyway, I've been meaning to pick one up on ebay to give to him for his birthday.
Decent little story that you'll dig, J. One of my best friends tells this story about when he was a kid and had his tonsils removed. His mom tells him that she's going to go to the store to buy him a figure, so he's laying in bed excited for this thing, hoping for an Ewok or Luke or a Scout Trooper... She comes home and hands him General Madine. :lol Anyway, I've been meaning to pick one up on ebay to give to him for his birthday.

I got this bad boy when I got my tonsils out:

1.99. :lecture

Or free with 4 POPs.


There was nothing like those old send aways. The 4 - 6 weeks seemed like forever waitng for my 4-LOM figure to arrive. I also remember sending away for some sort of misc. equipment assortment with a bunch of stuff. I'm not sure if I'm remembering right but I think it came with the pack that Luke carried Yoda in, a couple of breathing devices that Han, Leia and Chewie wore and some extra guns. Man those were the days.