1/6th Scale Sideshow Boba Fett Figure

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The Jawa was the hardest figure for me to find. My mom made me call just about every store in town to see if they had any, rather than driving around looking for him. Wound up getting two, one for me, one for my brother at a rahter seedy Woolco in downtown Syracuse. My mom still brings up the great Jawa hunt to this day.

I don't remember the specifics around getting my Jawa, I just remember that I had the version with the cloth hood/robe as opposed to the plastic cape.
My grandmother always jokes about how hard it was for her and my grandfather to shop for SW toys. They'd get a list of figures and would have to search endless pegs of toys.

She remembers one time shopping and seeing another older couple and the guy was complaining about not knowing what a "____ing Yoda" was :lol

:lol:lol:lol My Nana used to spoil the hell out of me... I still remember her buying me like seven figures at once one time. It was like Christmas in July. :lol
I don't remember the specifics around getting my Jawa, I just remember that I had the version with the cloth hood/robe as opposed to the plastic cape.

Yeah, mine had the cloth robe too (still does). I have a friend who had about 5 vinyl cape Jawas and traded them to another kid for the cloth robed versions because they looked more like the ones in the movie...he kicks himself to this day :slap
My grandmother always jokes about how hard it was for her and my grandfather to shop for SW toys. They'd get a list of figures and would have to search endless pegs of toys.

She remembers one time shopping and seeing another older couple and the guy was complaining about not knowing what a "____ing Yoda" was :lol

My mother always tells me the stories of how she'd help the guys unload the trucks so she could grab whatever figure I wanted. things were a bit different in northern jersey back in the late 70s early 80s. No way in hell would Walmart let you onto their truck and sort through boxes.
My mother always tells me the stories of how she'd help the guys unload the trucks so she could grab whatever figure I wanted. things were a bit different in northern jersey back in the late 70s early 80s. No way in hell would Walmart let you onto their truck and sort through boxes.

:thwak naughty mother
OMG yes the list of figures!! that brings me so much memories! I kinda completely had forgotten about that, but when I read your comment, some far away distant piece of memory kinda came with this feeling of "i have done that before" LOL. I remember yeah for holidays my parents would go to stores and buy me stuff from the list haha.
It was the first time I ever shot any of the figures. I wish I had more space and time to do proper shots that people wouldn't have _____ all over. :peace
In fairness, Jml, he was criticizing the figure, not your pictures. He went to pains to clarify that. :peace

As for the figure, though, now that you've handled it, what's your opinion on futzing the vest?
Oh man, my mom surprised the hell out of me with Yoda. We got in the car after hitting up a local department store and she hands me a bag and says "here, I got you underwear".... I must have been the happiest 5 year old in the world when I looked inside and saw Yoda, who at that point I had never seen before, I guess they had a few of them displayed by the cash register and not with the rest of the toys! Great memory. :yess:

That is one of the great things about the original SW figures - they were a such a good deal. I remember being blown away with just how tiny Yoda was for an action figure.

Did anyone else have problems with Darth Vader's head breaking off at the slightest drop? :lol
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My favorite Kenner memory? Coming home from college in the spring of 1985 to find out my parents had given away all my SW figures.

No, wait... that isn't a favorite memory.
In fairness, Jml, he was criticizing the figure, not your pictures. He went to pains to clarify that. :peace

As for the figure, though, now that you've handled it, what's your opinion on futzing the vest?

I haven't futzed with the vest, it looks unfutzable. I have put it in my Detolf and there it will live for a long time.
My favorite Kenner memory? Coming home from college in the spring of 1985 to find out my parents had given away all my SW figures.

No, wait... that isn't a favorite memory.

A not so good Star Wars figure memory for me (and just plain awful for some of the figures themselves) was the summer that I discovered that a can of Lysol and a match makes a really cool and effective flame-thrower. :lol
The only things that didn't get purged were Yoda, a speeder bike, the Rancor, and a few misc. accessories... that's it. Everything else was gone.