1/6th Scale Sideshow Boba Fett Figure

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My Boba Fett arrived from Forbidden Planet today.:rock:rock:rock
Awesome figure straight out the box !
Glad to add it to my collection.

I'm a little late to the party...
I gotta say... I am VERY disappointed in this figure...
I thought that maybe in hand, as it usually happens, all the panic and nit-picking would be just that...
But no... this figure is terrible... I gotta say this is one of SS's weakest SW recent releases :monkey2

I usually don't mind minor issues with my figures here and there, but man... anything from the chest plate, to the jumpsuit, the braids and the godawful "super-green" on the helmet seriously hurt this figure.
The only great thing form me on this guy are the gauntlets and jet pack. But man... what a disappointment... :(
Not sure if I want to go over all the trouble and money to "enhance" this guy...
Seriously, Medicom did a MUCH better job with BOTH their ESB Fett and ROTJ one...
Oh well...
I just hope the Tusken Raiders and Snowtroopers don't suffer the same fate as Boba :pray:

Wow. What's wrong with the jumpsuit?
I'm a little late to the party...
I gotta say... I am VERY disappointed in this figure...
I thought that maybe in hand, as it usually happens, all the panic and nit-picking would be just that...
But no... this figure is terrible... I gotta say this is one of SS's weakest SW recent releases :monkey2

I usually don't mind minor issues with my figures here and there, but man... anything from the chest plate, to the jumpsuit, the braids and the godawful "super-green" on the helmet seriously hurt this figure.
The only great thing form me on this guy are the gauntlets and jet pack. But man... what a disappointment... :(
Not sure if I want to go over all the trouble and money to "enhance" this guy...
Seriously, Medicom did a MUCH better job with BOTH their ESB Fett and ROTJ one...
Oh well...
I just hope the Tusken Raiders and Snowtroopers don't suffer the same fate as Boba :pray:


Looks pretty good there KD...
but man... that green REALLY bugs me...
now that the dust has settled a little bit, I "might" keep some of the good parts and sell the rest... don't know yet...
Color nerd moment.

Some of the color discrepancies seem to stem from this Lucasfilm color guide to Fett's outfit:


I would assume that Sideshow used those Pantone color swatches to make this figure, but there are actually various categories of Pantone colors. The default is the Pantone Matching System (PMS), which is supposed to be their universal color space.

So the PMS colors, using those codes would be:

But notice that the colors have have the "U" suffix, meaning "Uncoated", which would actually give you this:


The uncoated versions are much more pale, but the PMS versions almost seem far too bright and intense. Honestly a lot of it has to do with the materials that the color is applied to. With the exception of the pale 491U Red, all the uncoated colors seem more film accurate.
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It is also worth noting, that while that picture with the Pantone color codes is "official", the handwritten color notes were obviously written after the movie, given that they are written over a movie still.

It could very well be that someone at Lucasfilm made that well after the release of ESB as a way to set a definitive color guide for the company for use in marketing. Those could just be someone's best guess of the colors used in the original production and not the actual guide used to create the outfit.

Either way, this definitely appears to be what Sideshow used in producing this figure.
Pantone is primarily used for print, but it is used as a color standard for lots of things, including paints and plastics.

I went back and checked, and according to "The Making of Empire Strikes Back" book, Joe Johnston painted the original Boba Fett outfit by hand. So it is doubtful that any color guide was made prior to that.

This is most likely a color guide made my Lucasfilm after the fact, and was probably given to Sideshow to be used in the making of the figure. As the licenser, Lucasfilm would have final say over the production of the figure and Sideshow may have had little say in the actual colors used.

Regardless of whether or not those are the correct screen colors of the original outfit, those are apparently what Lucasfilm has decided that they are now.
Finally got Fett. Initial impressions are that he's much nicer than I was honestly expecting him to be.

My main concern was the color of the armor, but the green is nowhere near as offensive as some pics make it look. I am actually quite happy with it.

Quick iPhone pic. I am surprised at just how un-photogenic his helmet is. It may not be as flared as it actually should be, but it looks great non the less.


My only actual issue with the figure is the lack of wrist articulation due to the length of his gauntlets.