I do like the SSC Fett, but if I had to have one I would choose the ROTJ Medicom Fett. Its great right out of the box.
If you like customizing, a modded/kitbashed SSC/Medi Fett would look the best. It just depends how much work one wants to put into it. The SSC Fett needs lots of work done to it.
man i keep hearing this malarkey about the medicom ROTJ. i had that turd and sold it within the month a while back!! the scale of it just kills it..when they start making REAL 1/6 figures i'll seriously consider them.
peace out
Ir smokes it without the slim and just using the updated medicom body.
Sorry guys bit scale aside medicom destroys Ssc straight out the box. And The scale isn't out much either. Ssc did some really nice bits on their boba but ultimately dropped the ball.
I don't agree..while i own both the SSC and Medicom ROTJ, the SSC Boba has a better paint application/better detailing with the Medicom having a good helmet sculpt but tad lacking then SS in the paint department/detailing though, i can get the Medicom Boba into some great dynamic poses but, this means nothing to me since i like Boba just resting his rifle over the arm or aiming pose...neck wrap is way better on the SS version.
Both are great figures for different reasons but, if you are comparing ESB Medicom to ESB SSC then clearly SS is the winner..i find the Medicom version of ESB Boba to look very bland.
Can anyone tell me exactly how tall is SS fett? Foot to top of helmet that is. If he is 12" tall I may pick this up but if he is shorter and I have to mod the height like I had to on my Medi I'll pass.