1/6th Scale Sideshow Hoth Luke Skywalker (Echo Base)

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hi i new to sideshow freak and need alittle help
i wish to look to buy a luke skywalker xwing iuit i be happy with a hasbro one where should i look please any advise thxz

I don't know if you have Commerce privilages yet but you can make a thread in the Want To Buy section. Or Ebay, of course. :peace
Honestly, having drawn, painted and sculpted, no one's face is any harder to do than anyone else. An artist saying such a thing is blowing smoke. Everyone's likeness is extremely difficult to capture in any static medium, and impossible to duplicate with an effect that will convince 100% of viewers of 100% accuracy even if it's a 3D computerized scan of every micrometer of the person's actual face.

Things just look different when they're frozen, even if they're accurate. And someone's face never looks 100% the same in two different moments over their entire lives.


I've been saying this in private discussions for awhile now.
Then you set it up any way you want. I don't see the problem really. There really isn't a scene in the movie where you can see his damaged face where he isn't somehow in an awkward position.

Also, though it wouldn't be movie accurate, the correct look for a Wampa attack would probably be half Luke's face missing, kind of like a cross between Harvey Dent and The Terminator. So be glad you can tell it's Luke at all. ;)
Re; the bold - of course.. :lol

Re; the rest - fair points. :duff

..the plastic boots they look wayover size and not slim fit like they should.
No offense, but that's just not right.

It's a typical thing I see via folks' custom Snowspeeder Luke figures - & the odd Hoth one to date; they've been using the HT Bespin Luke's boots - & they're NOT THE SAME BOOTS. :lol

The new boots are fine scale wise - although them being plastic sucks. It's the Wampa mitts that are huge.

The hands do seem pretty huge. I guess that's the trade off when you sculpt hands for two characters of different sizes. The HT figure had smaller than average hands and body.
Yep - big hands. Sure - they're gloved, but these are too big.

Honestly, having drawn, painted and sculpted, no one's face is any harder to do than anyone else. An artist saying such a thing is blowing smoke. Everyone's likeness is extremely difficult to capture in any static medium, and impossible to duplicate with an effect that will convince 100% of viewers of 100% accuracy even if it's a 3D computerized scan of every micrometer of the person's actual face.

Things just look different when they're frozen, even if they're accurate. And someone's face never looks 100% the same in two different moments over their entire lives.
Yeah, I'd have to agree with that too. It is bizarre though, that no one's gotten Hamill's face right yet - except for the SSC Jedi Luke PF, that's quite close if not spot on.
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I like it a lot but hope they tweak it a bit. Eyes seem off to me, like a bit of an Asian vibe to them. Pixel has some great points about likeness but I think it's still possible to do better. There's no doubting the DX13 has an extraordinary likeness to Schwarzenegger, for example.

That said, on the shelf with his headgear on it should look great, regardless. It certainly is an awesome set and will have a lot presence on the shelf.
Agreed. :lol What's new, huh..

The outfit is good though - but why should that be applause worthy.

They've had enough practice by now. :lol

Either way I'd like to see more pics. More natural lighting, different angles etc.

One thing I have to admit is that pic they have of him on the TaunTaun looks fantastic. I think that set up on a shelf would look great. Having said that, there is no way Im spending $500+ for the 2. :lol
looks pretty darn good to me so far. I do see the big hands as well. that's my only main complaint. head sculpt isn't perfect but hamil's never comes out perfect, this is a pretty good rendition and I'm satisfied with it. and no one should be shocked or mad or surprised by this price point....it's obvious this is where they're heading towards as being the norm for their basic figures. for all of those who kept on insisting (or wishing) that it would be 150ish, I hope this brought you back to reality of how ssc are going to price their figs now. this whole set is a first day buy order for me. sideshow's doing a wonderful job imo on their star wars line so far.
I think I'm going to skip Luke since I have all of the other offerings and order Han when he becomes available.

The figure is very nice but just doesn't wow me , plus I'm much more a fan of the Bespin and Hoth Pilot/ Dagobah landing outfits.
No it's going to have three.

One hooded
One regular
One Wampa Attack version
Man, I'm pretty excited about this, he looks great. He looks best with the hat and goggles. Sure, there's issue with likeness, but it looks just as close, or just as off, as the Hot Toys version. They both look like Hamill from one angle, and not so much in the next. The proto pics seem to suffer from issues with the Sideshow body, he'll look much better on a different one.

The TaunTaun on the other hand, looks amazing. It'll be my first large size item from Sideshow. I may go back and get the Dewback, but this is a must. It's gorgeous.
Quick, let's start a poll to guess the release date for these bad boys before the pre-order goes live.
I was actually kind of joking. ;)

Vader went up for pre-order on May 23 2013 and is supposed to ship in January 2014 (no specific day given). Let's call that 8 months from pre-sale to release.

Probot pre-order on November 22 2013 and supposed to ship August 2014. Let's call that 9 months. Same time-frame for Nathan Drake figure.

I'll probably wait until this guy is shipping before I jump on an order. I really can't see any of the new products selling out before release.
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So with this, it looks like short of an X-Wing Luke, SS would have pretty much finished all significant film versions of this character. Hopefully they nail an X-Wing pilot version. An OT Luke lineup pic would look pretty cool. I like looking at HT figs, but for my money I'm glad SS has the license. I'd rather have 10 "8/9"(6/7 if you include Yavin Luke Lol) SW figs than 1 "9/10".

This is definitely Luke Skywalker on a Tauntaun. For all the nitpicking of the sculpt (valid if it's your hard earned money), I'd be willing to bet no one is coming to your house saying "That sorta kinda looks like that actor Mark Hamill on a weird creature". We all know it's Luke, bottom line. It's an excellent representation.

HT may go SW ***** to the wall whenever they get what they need to worked out, but right now I'm digging this guy and the effort they are putting in to the different outfits, creatures, environments, accessories, etc...