Super Freak
I really don't get why you have such a strong bias against Hot Toys.
I don't. This is the Star Wars forum and I'm talking about their Star Wars product. Every one of their human Star Wars likenesses is far off. Bespin Luke (which I own and like) by far the best, the latest quite atrocious. Consider my comments obejctive counter-balance to the folks creaming themselves over everything Hot Toys does. I buy enough Hot Toys products, including sculpts that are totally off like DX05 and some that are just hyper-idealized and not realistic, like Reeve Superman. Last year's Michael Caine Alfred is, IMO, one of the best sculpts they've ever done. But HT screws up on a regular basis, at least as much as any other company in this hobby. To say otherwise is to blow some serious smoke.