Super Freak
haha thanks, I've been having fun now that I have space to display my figures after years of collecting them and keeping them in their boxes... so expect more photos! Maybe I'll start a thread to keep them in one place
Is that exclusive to blu Ray? Or in the originals? I've seen these movies 100s of times and never noticed that! (Never watched the br versions though...don't want to)
I would dig a Wampa very much. SS did a great job with Tauntaun. The neck connection could have been improved, though. But it's a great display piece.
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Dang near spit my drink out laughing.Nice pic.I like the Han hood futzed with the "wind blown effect" too.[emoji38]
I passed on the Taun because I just didn't like the non-posable/statue aspect. It's a very nice sculpt, but that head always looks like he's blowing out birthday candles.
Nice pic.I like the Han hood futzed with the "wind blown effect" too.
I passed on the Taun because I just didn't like the non-posable/statue aspect. It's a very nice sculpt, but that head always looks like he's blowing out birthday candles.
Does anyone know of a large base that resembles snow to elevate this. I have a statue area in one of the halls in my house and my girlfriend suggested I put the tauntaun there but asks that it be higher. Anyone have any thoughts?