12" Clone Wars Obi-Wan in CLONE ARMOR!

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Well, having intimately worked with the shipping group at my company, I'm aware of how big a mess things can be. We ship about 20 packages a day, maybe, and that can be challenging sometimes, so the sheer numbers SSC does is impressive.

I'm sure they are just backed up, I only know of 2 products shipping right now but other folks might know of some more.

Normally, I wouldn't care much, but Obi-Wan is my all-time favorite SW hero and I'm very excited for this figure for that, a new body to test out, and first glimpse at SSC armor. Just a lot of reasons I'm eager to have this one in my hands for, especially images, I've got some photo ideas already brewing and can't wait to act on them.

I worked for a company a few years ago that pumped out about 300-500 orders a day and things could go south real quick .

Obi-wan is one of my all time favs as well! I want mine yesterday as well for all the reasons you stated plus the fact that this portrait is probably the best one so far that has been released for Obi-wan and one of the best of the SW 1:6 line.
I really feel for the folks who haven't even been charged yet. Hopefully we'll see some real progress tonight and tomorrow as far pre-authing and shipping .
Otherwise thier going to have some pissed off collectors on thier hands.
I just got an email saying that basically it is not looking good for the ex. on the WL. So i got on the WL for the regular.

(surprised with how many canceled, but that's just this site)

That's bizarre! Do they really do that? Send an email telling you not to bother being on the waitlist? If they feel they already have more than enough on the current waitlist, why don't they just take the waitlist option off for now and put it back once all the orders have shipped and they can re-assess?

I guess at least the email would give you a better sense of the waitlist status. I'm still on the Ex ANH Luke waitlist and the wait is killing me!
That's bizarre! Do they really do that? Send an email telling you not to bother being on the waitlist? If they feel they already have more than enough on the current waitlist, why don't they just take the waitlist option off for now and put it back once all the orders have shipped and they can re-assess?

I guess at least the email would give you a better sense of the waitlist status. I'm still on the Ex ANH Luke waitlist and the wait is killing me!
Date: October 9, 2008
Subject: Regarding your Obi-Wan Kenobi: General – Clone Wars – Exclusive (#21751) wait list reservation.

Dear Star Wars Collector,

We wanted to take this opportunity to e-mail you about your Wait List Reservation for the Obi-Wan Kenobi: General – Clone Wars – Exclusive (#21751.)

At this time, very few items have become available to the wait list through cancellations and credit card declines. However, we will continue to keep this list open in the hopes that stock may become available.

***********************A DIFFERENT OBI-WAN ITEM IS AVAILABLE!********************<wbr>******
We may not be able to assist you in acquiring the Obi-Wan Kenobi: General – Clone Wars – Exclusive but we do have limited quantities of another Obi-Wan inspired item, Obi-Wan Kenobi: General – Clone Wars – Regular Edition.
well i guess that's what i get for canceling the pre-order, then waitlisting it and then canceling it and waitlisting it again. darn economy making me question toy purchases.

the last time i waitlisted it was a couple of days ago so i guess i'll see how that pans out. you can put a pre-order in a btts for the regular and cancel it if your waitlist converts. IF you do it before bbts gets him in it's no cost to cancel if you cancel after he's in it just becomes store credit.

they may have sent the email because a bunch of regulars got canceled and they want to help the regular out
Strangely, I just got the processing email for the Regular saying they're going to start processing it on the 10th, yet they haven't even processed most of the Ex., it'll be interesting if the regular ships before the Ex. for me.
I'm sure those of you on the waitlist will get one. And a word of advice, never cancel until the bitter end!
Plus, you eat a little shipping it back, but you can return it if your unhappy, definitely don't want to cancel if you're even 1% considering keeping your order, if any bit of you may want to keep it, ride it out until you've run out of time to keep or not keep the piece.
Strangely, I just got the processing email for the Regular saying they're going to start processing it on the 10th, yet they haven't even processed most of the Ex., it'll be interesting if the regular ships before the Ex. for me.

They'll probably get 5 processed on the 10th ! :lol
Just received an email:

We will begin processing all orders for the Obi-Wan Kenobi: General - Clone Wars 12-inch Figure collectible (item #2175) on October 10th. We ask that you have the funds available on your credit card by this date to ensure the successful processing and shipment of your order.
Well, I got on the waitlist for both the ex and the reg...and the reg converted and will be here for me next week. The holo-thing is interesting, but I'll be displaying him in a more action-oriented pose anyway, so it would just be another accessory that lived in the box.

It's gonna be tight $-wise this month...good thing I like ramen! :)