12" Clone Wars Obi-Wan in CLONE ARMOR!

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I know a lot of people are very happy about this sculpt, but this picture really makes it clear to me that it doesn't look much like Ewan. I can't put my finger on what's wrong, but if I had seen this head out of context, I don't know if I would have even been able to tell who it's supposed to be.


That's crazy talk, imho... especially given your current avatar.

I'm in the it don't look too much like ewan camp.But i still think it looks like kenobi if that makes sense.
I know a lot of people are very happy about this sculpt, but this picture really makes it clear to me that it doesn't look much like Ewan. I can't put my finger on what's wrong, but if I had seen this head out of context, I don't know if I would have even been able to tell who it's supposed to be.


I dont think it looks 100% either. Its about 90%. But seriously, not many mass produced 1/6 sculpts completely capture the likeness of the actor/actress. HT has a few that's very very close, and enterbay's bruce lee is about as close to 100% IMHO. As for this obi-wan, its more important to see the production pic than the proto. SSC proto pix are generally way better than what the final product looks like.
Ah ha!! Shave some of the beard and give him a bandanna (could also put face paint on), and you got yourself a Solid Snake!
I will be getting this figure for sure.......only sad part i see is MOST people have been crying out for SSC to make armoured figures,myself included,and basically we have said we'd pay XXXX amount of dollars to see "said"figures,so in fact we have painted ourselves into a corner,and are willing to pay for it.SSC has no other option but to not only give us good quality figures,armoured,and to hike prices-because that's what we have told them!!!

Funny, I came here to mention that I thought this was the best sculpt Sideshow has done, even more than Old Ben! Oh well, different strokes for different folks . . . :rolleyes:

I'd wager, since I, a nobody to LFL, have this promo image and many others in high resolution, they were also in Trev's hands and a strong basis for the look to his beard and hair. What I love about the sculpt is his face has a stern, focused look, yet is still pretty neutral overall, a trait I love about Trev's sculpt work, he gives his portraits subtle life while keeping the overall neutral, a beautiful balance.
Such a marvelous fig. Unlimited Poweeeerrrrrr!!!!!:emperor By the way, did Sideshow mention that clone wars obi comes with helmet?

This photo to me is PROOF that it looks like Ewan. Every single defining aspect is there, the hair, ears, nose, mouth and eyes are all identical. It is the PAINT that is throwing it off. The beard just needs to be tapered a bit more and maybe a very slight eye tweak, as far as placement. But it's there... that looks like a solid Ewan to me. :lol

Trust me, give me an entire day with that sculpt and there will be no doubt of it's Mullet Ewan goodness. :rock
personally, I am happy it doesn't look exactly like Ewan... the young Obi Wan Kenobi should not be defined by which actor portrayed him or which artist animated him.
the headsculpt on Obi is awesome IMHO-almost nearly identical..
Just one question-it is an ARC trooper holo figure isnt it??
the headsculpt on Obi is awesome IMHO-almost nearly identical..
Just one question-it is an ARC trooper holo figure isnt it??

Yes, it's an ARC Trooper, Commander ( I think that's his rank ) Rex, a new Trooper from the upcoming 3D Clone Wars series. The use of his name for the holo instead of generic makes me curious if there's any sort of Obi-Wan-Cody type relationship between the two.
Sideshow has said in the Q&A for the 17th that he will NOT come with a helmet.

Maybe at a later date-an accessory perhaps??maybe another helmet head like Leia Boushh??thou probably unlikely.