I'm not too thrilled with this choice. I knew it was coming, and I like the character, but I can see Sideshow going down the same path they did with Star Wars; whereas in that line they made most of the Jedi right off the bat because it was "easier" they're now making all the male human characters right off the bat in this line, again, because it's easier. I resent it in this case because it doesn't seem as if we're getting 10-12 figures a year in this line like we are with Star Wars. This seems more like 4-5 a year at the pace it's gone so far.
Faramir's a cool character, and I'll certainly buy the figure. But at the rate this line seems to be going I'd like them to offer more variety or stick to main characters at least. And by variety I don't mean another male Elf. Give us Gimli, or an orc, or Saruman, a ringwraith, or Arwen or Eowyn! Faramir has a somewhat important part to play, but he's one of what, 30 or so characters who played an important part in the story? The sales on these are good but from what I can tell not really spectacular. If the next one after Faramir is Eomer, Theoden, or Denethor, then I'm going to get worried about this line's future. Unless they actually do make a movie of the Hobbit, anyway.
Basically, what I'm saying is I want to feel assured that sideshow will finish out the fellowship before the line ends. Or before 2009. At the very least, complete a subgroup, like Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli, and some orcs to fight.