12 inch OBI WAN KENOBI - ANH!!!

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If we could get a really good ANH Han Solo that would be fantastic. I love Bespin Han despite popular disapproval, but we need ANH Han now to balance out this new slew of ANH figures. We must bring balance to the Force.

Of course, we also need Han, Chewie, Vader and the droids--and Captain Antilles of course. :D
I'm worried about getting the exclusive as well. If they only make 1977 of these it will sell out in 10 minutes. Oh well.... I'll be one of the first on the wait list.
Are they really only going to make 1977 of these. That would be stupid.

I would think 2300 -2500 would be a good size for the exclusive.
I hope I can get one. Why is this not an inclusive edition. I would think this would be the perfect type of figure for an inclusive.
Popular enough for inclusive, for sure, but also popular on a level that many fans will want it to be rare and would gripe at the inclusive idea, it's a no win, and odds are the regular edition will stay availalbe for a long time, even up til shipping date going by recent figures.
I'm always for low edition sizes(even if i don't get one)it causes *****ing, complaining,whining and chaos..and i'm all about that.(plus i kinda like the nerdy rush i get at PPO time)

:chew :D
Captain Faramir said:
If we could get a really good ANH Han Solo that would be fantastic. I love Bespin Han despite popular disapproval, but we need ANH Han now to balance out this new slew of ANH figures. We must bring balance to the Force.

Of course, we also need Han, Chewie, Vader and the droids--and Captain Antilles of course. :D

You missed about thirty more that we still need Cap'. :D
Darth Loki said:
I kinda miss the days of the hectic PPO. Ahhh, the good ol days
Those early PPO days were exciting. Old Ben will bring that adrenaline rush again. I can't wait.
Exclusive or inclusive I'm sure either way there will be plenty available for months after release on the secondary market. This figure looks amazing but I won’t worry over not being able to get even if it has a set number of 1977.
Ohh come on guys you dont think this will be that bad do you. I will be having my mom do this and it took her 15 minutes to order Jabba on the internet while I talked her to it. Im going to make her practice ordering since I probably want be able to be at a computer. I just hope I get one.

I really wish it was any other week than the one it is. I thought there was a SDCC Exclusive that day that going up for order.

Dusty can you give us a confirmation of the ES being 1977.
Sorry Jason, but Leia was a pretty intense order period and I'm gonna wager Old Ben will get more competition going, plus reaction to full figure images of him are going very well where Leia had a good ammount of dropoff after the full images showed up.
MaulFan said:
Sorry Jason, but Leia was a pretty intense order period and I'm gonna wager Old Ben will get more competition going, plus reaction to full figure images of him are going very well where Leia had a good ammount of dropoff after the full images showed up.
That is true. I guess I will try calling Sideshow and try getting it online through my mom. I hope she get through. I will be really disappointed if i miss it because Im going to be meeting LeAnn Rimes during the preorder time.
Hope Leann Rimes doers nt say"*$!! off ca nt you see i m trying to order the Ben Kenobi exclusive!!":lol :lol