12 inch OBI WAN KENOBI - ANH!!!

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Trevolver said:
Ross Perot ears! HAHAH! Yeah, Guinness has big ears, but I wouldn't doubt I got the proportion off. Something I tend to run into is the neck post kind of dictates how deep I can sculpt a cranium, and sometimes that throws off the 3/4...but I'm coming up with excuses

No excuses needed. This is an excellent sculpt!
WOW...he's amazing. Great likeness. Can't wait to have him. I'm going to CIV on saturday, so I'll try to get some pics of him.
Trevolver said:
I've done plenty of Star Wars stuff, so you'll see quite a few of my sculpts in the line-up. (for better or worse) it's an honor to sculpt a character like Obi-Wan Kenobi that's just so iconic and feels so much like classic Star Wars.

Ross Perot ears! HAHAH! Yeah, Guinness has big ears, but I wouldn't doubt I got the proportion off. Something I tend to run into is the neck post kind of dictates how deep I can sculpt a cranium, and sometimes that throws off the 3/4...but I'm coming up with excuses


Trev, don't be so harsh on your work, you've done an amazing job with this sculpt, those ears are Guiness, if they look goofy, it's nature's fault, you just captured what was there :) That's one of the biggest features where Ewan couldn't resemble Alec, the ears are very distinct. I can't wait to see what else you've done for the line :)
If ever so slightly exaggerated ears are the biggest problem with this sculpt, I can certainly live with that.

Personally, I couldn't be more pleased with it.
oh don't worry guys! beating myself up helps me improve!!! :) It's the only way! I do actually like this piece! I'm really anxious to get him once he's released.

Trevolver said:
oh don't worry guys! beating myself up helps me improve!!! :) It's the only way! I do actually like this piece! I'm really anxious to get him once he's released.


I know how you feel on that one.... anything I do... I have to tear it apart. :lol

But seriously.... great work. It's by far the best Obi yet and the eventual repaints from the local crew here will certainly bring that greatness to life and showcase the hard work you put into it.

To me, the biggest drawback to factory paint is that it tends to drain the life from the eyes..... And every pic I see, I know that if the eyes were painted with more character... people will not be able to look at it and not immediately think "Alec Guinness".

Can't wait to see the next masterpiece Trev! :duff
Man between Sunohc's TPM, Andy's ROTS, and now Trev's ANH, we nearly have all of our Obi's.

I think I can modify the ROTS sculpt and do AOTC from it.

Trevor, the most amazing thing is that you're this good so early into your career.
Anzik Hayes said:
Man between Sunohc's TPM, Andy's ROTS, and now Trev's ANH, we nearly have all of our Obi's.

I think I can modify the ROTS sculpt and do AOTC from it.

Trevor, the most amazing thing is that you're this good so early into your career.

This makes me think and hope, Trev I hope you did up at least a TPM and hopefully an AOTC Obi-Wan as well. No disrespect to Sunohc's sculpt (it's a fantastic job), but it's all custom work with that one and I like SSC's factory paints for flesh and all so I want one from them.
Trevolver said:
I've done plenty of Star Wars stuff, so you'll see quite a few of my sculpts in the line-up. (for better or worse) it's an honor to sculpt a character like Obi-Wan Kenobi that's just so iconic and feels so much like classic Star Wars.

Ross Perot ears! HAHAH! Yeah, Guinness has big ears, but I wouldn't doubt I got the proportion off. Something I tend to run into is the neck post kind of dictates how deep I can sculpt a cranium, and sometimes that throws off the 3/4...but I'm coming up with excuses


Amazing job.... pat yourself on the back once and consider that from me.

:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
My fav sculpt is Jedi Luke, this now equals it. When I can get back into 1/6 later this year, next to Medis Fetts, this is on the top of my list.
MaulFan said:
This makes me think and hope, Trev I hope you did up at least a TPM and hopefully an AOTC Obi-Wan as well. No disrespect to Sunohc's sculpt (it's a fantastic job), but it's all custom work with that one and I like SSC's factory paints for flesh and all so I want one from them.

I agree with you MF. I'm just impatient and I think it'll be awhile before we see a third Obi Wan. Once they do the full range I will most definitely be getting them all. I'm also among the group that feels no alteration to SSC is really necessary. The paint work by the custom crew here does fabulous work that truly brings out the most out of these sculpts, but the factory paints are more than acceptable on most occasions.
Anzik Hayes said:
I agree with you MF. I'm just impatient and I think it'll be awhile before we see a third Obi Wan. Once they do the full range I will most definitely be getting them all. I'm also among the group that feels no alteration to SSC is really necessary. The paint work by the custom crew here does fabulous work that truly brings out the most out of these sculpts, but the factory paints are more than acceptable on most occasions.

Yup, my dreams is to one day have TMP - AOTC - ROTS - OT Obi-Wan 1/6 figures lined up together. Hopefully Andy B. or Trev will give us TPM and AOTC, they both have similar styles and I'd like not only the Obi-Wan evolution, but to have them all fit together stylisticly as well.
PosterBoyKelly said:
Please sculpt Tarkin.....PLEASE!

Good call PBK! Tarkin is another face with a great deal of character in it, Trev would deffinately be the man to do that one.
I hope Im able to get the exclusive on this one. Will hopefully be able to call in or get my mom to order.

If anyone who doesnt want this would order it for me just in case I cant get the exclusive I would greatly appreciate it. I cant miss Old Ben.

Leia now Ben I guess we will be getting more ANH this year. Remember this is the year of ANH for Sideshow. I would guess we will get some more awesome figure soon.