Gun hand is just one option... while not the only one, it would have been a fun addition.
Indeed. And certainly a more Indy-like option than the one we got.
Gun hand is just one option... while not the only one, it would have been a fun addition.
The Idol is more iconic though.
And bottom line, that is what you're getting lol.
I may be making 1/6 crates. And I'll also be offering my weathering services on the jacket and clothing (in case DA gets overloaded). So, if anyone's interested...
Looks fantastic, but I'm going to hold out for a Temple of Doom Indy. Hopefully he comes with a shirt with a missing sleeve. For me, the ultimate iconic action-hero image is Indiana Jones standing on the rope bridge with the sword raised over his head.
You could get one and rip it. I won't tell.
i wonder when we will see boxed shots. I'm quite looking forward to seeing the packaging.