12" Indy In Adventure Gear: Raiders Version Discussion Thread

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Thanks I had to redraw every bit of that nazi bird. What a pain. Irish, pm your email address.
Will do, Mike! I haven't responded yet because I'm moving next week (back to my house, which the ex-wife is vacating) and the cards are all boxed up somewhere. :banghead But don't worry, I do have them.

Oh okay. I'm sorry Carl. I didn't know about your move. We'll stay in touch about the Indy Heritage cards. I can wait and get them from you once you have them unpacked again. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it! :D
Screw it. My hopes are up. I was praying for an Indy variant as an SDCC exclusive because it would have meant Indy would have most likely shipped before
I wouldn't be shocked if a Production Sample is @ SDCC. That would be 5 months since it went up.
Well, if the figure is shipping by September I would have to think they'd have some production samples ready by late July.
Yeah, Irish is Indy... Josh is Belloq. :lol

I"ll be the Government! I'll come after Irish steals it back from a now headless Josh and put it in my secret warehouse. :D

We should see if Sideshow wants to make promo video at SDCC. I'll bring along my Indy gear and steal the figure out of the display case in the Sideshow booth, dodge spears thrown by Dusty, Chris, Brant, etc, jump over to another booth... and run from a boulder (or, a 400 pound fangirl) as I head for the convention center exit only to find Josh just wearing a safari hat accompanied by the rest of the SS Freaks.