12" Indy In Adventure Gear: Raiders Version Discussion Thread

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Mine is still "processing" too. But that's okay. It'll make it that much sweeter to open him up. I think it's all these 2-day upgrade guys pushing everyone's orders back! :lol
Mine is still "processing" too. But that's okay. It'll make it that much sweeter to open him up. I think it's all these 2-day upgrade guys pushing everyone's orders back! :lol


Just so you know, i didn't order any special shipping. I just got lucky. Living in CA I get hit with ship + tax so upgrading to more expensive shipping is never an option.
Indy is here... no pics, sorry,
but, first impressions:

The Good:
-Heasculpt is amazing,
-The paint-job is great, stubble could use some work
-Hatless paintjob is a bit better in mine
-Accessories and extra hands are awesome,
-Idol is amazing!! Great work!
-Indy's revolver is an awesome piece of work! Wow!
-The Whips are beautiful, both of them.
-Sandbag is nice, but plastic, paintjob is nice
-Exclusive torch is OK I guess, a little pointless I think
-Extra hat is awesome, it's lined with fabric, and leather-like rim
-Overall great figure!

The Bad:
-Head looks huge, could be because of the body though
-The hat doesn't fit on the second head
-The shirt fabric sucks, its just like ANH Luke, I don't like it, and has some weird tailoring, I might switch it...
-The jacket as it's been said, specially the texture looks pretty bad, I mean, it works, but you can find better jackets out there for sure...
-The boots while awesome, won't work with other bodies... I wonder why they did this?
-The whip holder strap is too short, so it doesn't hold the whip very well, except on certain positions, but looks weird.
-The Prometheus body SUCKS balls!!
It's flimsy as hell, joints are as loose as the hobbits', but the biggest problem is that the head is so heavy that if you move it a bit, it just tilts up and down... WTF SS???
Also, as we've seen, no shoulders, I'll swith it to a Trutype for sure, I shouldn't be saying this, but at least the Buck was sturdy most times...
So, it kind of suffers of the Medi-Indy syndrome due to the shoulders...
For a $90.00 it's great, but the Prometheus is a huge dissapointment...
I'll wait for more people's comments on the neck-head issue, maybe it's just mine...

Overall, an amazing figure, but definitely has issues,
It's a great addition to my collection though!
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Just called and spoke with Kathy. It appears the regular Indy hasn't even arrived yet and may at the earliest start shipping out to us next Wednesday. So much for having Indy by Thanksgiving:monkey2
Nice rundown kuzeh. If the majority of the Proms are that loose then it's gonna be a swing and a big miss for SS and their new body. Buying a SS figure is gonna be really expensive if we have to upgrade to a TT everytime.

I've got a replacement shirt and jacket already on the way for my Indy.
The Bad:
-Head looks huge, could be because of the body though
-The hat doesn't fit on the second head
-The shirt fabric sucks, its just like ANH Luke, I don't like it, and has some weird tailoring, I might switch it...
-The jacket as it's been said, specially the texture looks pretty bad, I mean, it works, but you can find better jackets out there for sure...
-The boots while awesome, won't work with other bodies... I wonder why they did this?
-The whip holder strap is too short, so it doesn't hold the whip very well, except on certain positions, but looks weird.
-The Prometheus body SUCKS balls!!
It's flimsy as hell, joints are as loose as the hobbits', but the biggest problem is that the head is so heavy that if you move it a bit, it just tilts up and down... WTF SS???
Also, as we've seen, no shoulders, I'll swith it to a Trutype for sure, I shouldn't be saying this, but at least the Buck was sturdy most times...
So, it kind of suffers of the Medi-Indy syndrome due to the shoulders...
For a $90.00 it's great, but the Prometheus is a huge dissapointment...
I'll wait for more people's comments on the neck-head issue, maybe it's just mine...

That sounds pretty bad. What the f@#$ is going on? First Lara and now this?

I thought SS had a good reason to jack their prices up....:banghead
Nice rundown kuzeh. If the majority of the Proms are that loose then it's gonna be a swing and a big miss for SS and their new body. Buying a SS figure is gonna be really expensive if we have to upgrade to a TT everytime.

I've got a replacement shirt and jacket already on the way for my Indy.

You don't have to switch out. :lol
Just called and spoke with Kathy. It appears the regular Indy hasn't even arrived yet and may at the earliest start shipping out to us next Wednesday. So much for having Indy by Thanksgiving:monkey2


Indy is the figure that got me started with collecting these! I found a link at Digital Bits and placed an order for the regular in early March since the ex's were already on waitlist. Does anyone remember the date they went up for sale and how quickly the exclusive sold out? I want to torture myself and see by how much I missed the exclusive. :(
I've got a replacement shirt and jacket already on the way for my Indy.[/QUOTE]

I've been wanting a shirt and jacket for indy too...which ones did you get and where did you find them?
Even if it isn't that good? Wait...Do you mean the body, clothes or anything?

I haven't seen anything in pics to show me that it will be bad at all. The outfit and head stuff. The body will have to wait but unless it can't hold a pose at all then I'll leave it.
I've been wanting a shirt and jacket for indy too...which ones did you get and where did you find them?

Ebay. I got a couple shirts and a leather jacket. Both are Relic Hunters. I don't know if either are any better in hand than SS's but they look nice to me. Except for the jacket's zipper but I can fix that.
I haven't seen anything in pics to show me that it will be bad at all. The outfit and head stuff. The body will have to wait but unless it can't hold a pose at all then I'll leave it.

The sculpts are aces. I don't like the look of the jacket that much yet but once in hand that may change. The shirt looks a little cheap and thin to me so if anything I'm gonna change that out.
Ebay. I got a couple shirts and a leather jacket. Both are Relic Hunters. I don't know if either are any better in hand than SS's but they look nice to me. Except for the jacket's zipper but I can fix that.

They're very nice. The jacket is a little bulky, but it's the real deal. Shirt, pants, belts, weapons are all dead-on. If Relic Hunter could've gotten a better body and a decent hat it would've been the greatest Indy figure ever made.
They're very nice. The jacket is a little bulky, but it's the real deal. Shirt, pants, belts, weapons are all dead-on. If Relic Hunter could've gotten a better body and a decent hat it would've been the greatest Indy figure ever made.

Cool! I thought that about the jacket too but with Indy's head looking a tiny bit too big I thought it may actually look better, maybe balance it out some.

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