Kind of a fine line though, don't you think? I mean do we really need to get technical about it? He terrorized innocent people with a senseless and cowardice act of violence. At least that's how I see it.
I just wish one day our governments would set "pride in the system" aside and make examples of these people. I really do. This news literally made me sad all day.
My top priority is prevention, not the appropriate punishment.
In that regard, we really do need to "get technical about it". The process by which you identify a loner sociopath is not going to be the same as the one where you identify a member of a dangerous ideological group. Whilst probably all of these loner killers are bona fide sociopaths, many ideologically-driven terrorists are not, in fact they appear to be well-integrated and well-adjusted members of society (e.g. 7/7 bombers).