Pre-med neurology student. You have to be insanely smart even to fail at that.
I don't think he was pre-med. PhD in neuroscience, at least that's what I read.
Pre-med neurology student. You have to be insanely smart even to fail at that.
Just look at multiple police shootings in America, where highly trained officers send a barrage of poorly aimed bullets in a panic.
You expect me to believe concealed carry Internet Tough Guy™ will, when surprised by a shock attack in the middle of a darkened theatre, cleanly cap the assailant in the head with one or two shots.
Now who's being naive.
You? Do you really think gun control keep guns out of the hands of criminals?
Some of the strictest gun control laws in our country are in San Francisco, but look up the violent crimes involving shootings for SF. All it does is create victims who are unable to defend themselves against violence.
You? You're blaming this tradegy on the few gun laws America has? Now? Is this really the time and forum to argue for LESS gun laws? Before any of the facts are in or before the wounded are out of danger, you want to use this tradegy to advance an agenda of the NRA?
Stay classy.
Here in VA it's different..gun shows don't require background checks and can sell as many guns to one person as they want. Some sellers don't require an ID, just cash or credit card.
If the government wanted to get rid of all guns tomorrow they could. But they never ever will because of all the money the gun lobby throws at them. Tweezers on an airplane are bad, but not doing background checks for a rifle is ok. That makes no sense.
Like I said there's no point debating it. This is the system we have and we all have to pay the price for our liberty. If the government announced tomorrow that you can drive drunk legally, would we be surprised when there are more deaths/accidents due to drunk driving? Why should we be surprised when there's another shooting in our gun loving country.
Can you actually back these points up with any kind of proof?
The larger quesstion is why do Americans love guns sooo much? Soooo much that weve decided that the odd massacre (ie Columbine, Gabby Gifford, Batman) outweighs the interest of public safety. Collectively, we as a society have said we are willing to deal with the occasional mass shooting, rather than enactinig pragmatic gun safety laws.
I know you're not.
I guess because he can legally do it in that state. I don't know. I'm sure this will change the gun laws, at least in that state.
I think things like this are going to happen no matter what you do. If people are nuts enough, they'll get the weapons. I'm sure he could easily go to Mexico and get them.
I'm not crazy about anyone being able to buy anything that a cop can't legally carry, but this guy could've easily walked in with a hunting rifle only and killed several people. Or lobbed some kind of bomb and took even more people out. I don't think we can defend ourselves very well against CRAZY.
I suggest you study up on Timothy McVeigh.Professional terrorists can always find ways and means because they have the contacts, money and a structure to be able to do so. The same cannot be said for average joe. If average joe wanted to go on a mad killing spree and he had no access to firearms the result would be far far less destructive.
My friend moved to america 16 months ago after living in England all his life and he now has 2 magnums and a shotgun. Just because he can. If somebody pissed him off or he went in an outrage here all he could do is maybe smash a few window with the nearest big blunt object he could find until he calmed down or was restrained, If he lost his cool there he could cause a mad killing spree.
It feels like a BS answer for gun apologists to use just because they want to keep their guns. Gun are enablers and need taken out of circulation.
Yeah, Chicago too. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country....and more people have been killed there in the past 10 years than in Afghanistan.
you want facts, here you go:
actually there is this thing called the Constitution that kind of prevents the Government from getting rid of all the guns if they wanted to.
here you go:
I suggest you study up on Timothy McVeigh.
If he didn't have a gun...he'd make a he did in his apartment.
Gun laws will never change. Too much money sent to politicians. If people are nuts we should make it harder not eiser to get weapons. It's easy for us to ban gays getting married but it's so hard to stop killer from buying multiple weapons? Where are our priorities? I live in the south...I know where the good old boys stand. He could have legally bought the guns.the sellers should have run a red flag. A guy with his background and education. Why does he need 4 weapons? Yes he bought at two locations but they should have seen via computer his past purchases based on his SSN. guy a should have said wait...he just bought 2 guns from guy b...something strange here.
228 people have been killed in chicago. There have been at least 3000 coalition deaths in Afghanistan. Numbers are a bit off mate.
Yeah, Chicago too. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country....and more people have been killed there in the past 10 years than in Afghanistan.
you want facts, here you go:
actually there is this thing called the Constitution that kind of prevents the Government from getting rid of all the guns if they wanted to.
Can you provide link for deaths in Chicago compared to all of Afghanistan? And it so e right wing gun website. A real news site please. I can post a link to proof of loch ness monster,,,doesn't make it true.
here you go:
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I doubt it would make a difference. He would've found a way to get his message across, or whatever it was he was trying to prove by doing this.
Can u provide link for the Chicago deaths versus all of Afghanistan. And not some right wing gun website. A real news website please.
Our founding fathers were talking about the people having at their disposal the same kind of firearms that were used at the time. Your ignorance is showing with the sarcasm you are using about firearms. You make mockery of tyrannical governments and yet fail to realize it is happening now.![]()
People connecting religious belief to their right to defend themself or to take action against others--- cause, religious differences have never caused any unnecessary deaths in the world.
Oh, and I'm sure that the writers of the second amendment weren't talking about semi-automatics when thinking about the keeping of firearms in homes that were used for the dual purpose of both hunting and protecting their homes against tyrannical forces (dastardly redcoats)... Semi-automatics can really take down a deer can't they? Glocks are great for hitting that moose (aim between the antlers).
But why do Americans have this unique love affair with guns?? Its almost like we're afraid of something. But im not sure what.
True. Might have been harder for him and maybe he would have backed our been scared out.
But why do Americans have this unique love affair with guns?? Its almost like we're afraid of something. But im not sure what.
you might want to check your facts, More than 500 people under the age of 21 were killed in Chicago in 2008 alone. In the first three months of 2012 109 people were murdered.
Homicides 1990-2010
1990: 851
1991: 927
1992: 943
1993: 931
1994: 929
1995: 827
1996: 789
1997: 759
1998: 704
1999: 641
2000: 628
2001: 666
2002: 647
2003: 598
2004: 448
2005: 449
2006: 467
2007: 442
2008: 510
2009: 458
2010: 449
2011: 440