Obviously its shocking. Despite the media, we still want to believe monsters don't exist, unfortunately, its just not true.![]()
Yup, and the worst ones are human.
Obviously its shocking. Despite the media, we still want to believe monsters don't exist, unfortunately, its just not true.![]()
It doesn't help either when you have 14 year olds having babies and then their 14 year olds have babies. All are too young to know the first thing about properly taking care of children.
I'm not suppose to do it, but whenever a kid wants to hug me, they get one. Some will cling to me just wanting attention. There are kids that come to school crying because of things that happen at home. I'm talking 3-6 year olds. They come in dirty and smelly. They have rotten teeth or no teeth because the dentist has pulled them out all ready. It just makes me sick.
And like I said before, the more the population grows, the larger the percentage of crazies grow.
Sometimes they need academy awards.
My heart is so broken for the victims.
The gentlemen celebrating his 27th birhday had just tweeted he was having a great birthday because TDKR was about to start.
That was me, that was all of us.
Just not fair, not fair at all.
I will have these victims in my thoughts on my next viewing, it will be dedicated to them.
You know, I guess my hope is that there are things we can do to prevent this from happening even if that admits that as a society we're doing something to contribute to the problem, rather than just accepting that its going to happen regardless of what we do.
You know, I guess my hope is that there are things we can do to prevent this from happening even if that admits that as a society we're doing something to contribute to the problem, rather than just accepting that its going to happen regardless of what we do.
Discipline your kids and teach them to understand right from wrong, instill good values in them, and teach them that all things should be earned, not given. As a parent, that's the best we can do to ensure our offspring don't wind up self entitled and blaming everybody else for their mistakes and shortcomings.
Discipline your kids and teach them to understand right from wrong, instill good values in them, and teach them that all things should be earned, not given. As a parent, that's the best we can do to ensure our offspring don't wind up self entitled and blaming everybody else for their mistakes and shortcomings.
Discipline your kids and teach them to understand right from wrong, instill good values in them, and teach them that all things should be earned, not given. As a parent, that's the best we can do to ensure our offspring don't wind up self entitled and blaming everybody else for their mistakes and shortcomings.
I think some people are just evil...or have mental illness that they never get diagnosed and treatment for and no amount of love or compassion is going to change that.
Yes, and we can't really blame mental illness on bad childhoods either. I was raised in a disfunctional home, plenty of abuse, cheating parents, drugged out parents, alcoholism, etc... But I used the lessons from comics and movies to escape these surroundings without becoming a monster.
And I have known a few sociopaths who were born into great families with lots of morals and kindness surrounding them. It's like what Hairlesswookiee said, there are so many variables in the mix when it comes to these horrible behaviors that we as a species may never really be able to find out what exactly causes someone to lose it.
It just happens. Sometimes it is helped by our culture, sometimes it's made worse..
These people make me wish I did believe in hell, that they are destined to burn there forever. But I don't believe in any kind of existance after this one - when things like this happen its just a total and complete tragic waste of life, thats all.
There is a hell my friend.![]()