You're courting a massive, convoluted red herring here.
If you have come to the conclusion that eating meat is atrocious, and you have integrated it to the deepest levels of your psyche, then the taste of meat is going to cause revulsion in you. That is the consequence of an accumulation of choices. The cheeseburger you loved as a child will taste the same, but it will not bring you pleasure.
Reaction to stimuli is emotional, and emotions are the result of the choices you make and the ideas you accept. If you do not pay attention to those processes, do not discriminate between ideas, and allow whatever emotional content to develop that happens to develop, I'm sure it will appear as though you had nothing to do with it. In truth, your default is what created your emotional state. You permitted your soul to be molded by others.
The content of your mind and the functions of your anatomy are two completely different categories. The latter is not even a conscious action, and is not up for consideration when arguing for volition or determinism. (But, we are getting to the heart of your fixation on taste.)
You can most certainly resist the religion your family brought you up in. It is 100% your choice to believe or not. There isn't even a perceptual level analog for that (such as the reaction of a tongue to food). That is the highest level of conceptual abstraction and it is nothing like seeing green or tasting mushrooms.
Whatever it was that imposed the first 'conditioning'. Who conditioned the first conditioner?