Sure you can! Is this better? My reply is still the same. Stay out of my country if you don't want to be here or want to call everyone crazy. If I started bashing the middle east or some other country I would be infracted or banned. But again it's cool to bash the US here.
Wow sounds like I hit a nerve. Obviously you have trouble reading or comprehending, where did I state EVERYONE was crazy? I said there are a lot of crazy people there is a big difference between the two, maybe due to your population, healthcare system or the amount of homeless people etc but I have probably travelled to more US cities than the average American so it’s not something I am just making up. I have many American friends who agree with me, Stay out of your Country? Do you know how stupid you sound right now, do you own it? I wasn’t bashing the US I was giving my opinion just like you have your opinion, you can bash the middle east it’s cool with me.
No they still will happen.
How do you know when no one is open to trying it? You can never fully stop people from getting them but you can make it much harder. I doubt this guy would of got his hands on so much stuff from the black market if most of it was banned. Maybe he would of still gone on a rampage but with a hand gun instead, so yes people would probably still be dead but instead of 12 dead and 48 injured there would be 2 dead and a few injured
Call it whatever you want. The right to bear arms is one of our basic rights
I could understand it back in the days when law and order didn’t exist but we are in 2012 now, you need to change with the times or be prepared for more of these things to happen.
No it's not
Yes it is!
That's a rather rude assumption
See above and it’s not an assumption and I wasn't saying it to offend. There are crazy people in every country but of all the countries I have traveled I have noticed the most in the USA.
No you can't just walk in and buy one. The rules vary from state to state but they all have background checks. Felons can't just walk in and buy what they want. Neither can people that have been involuntarily committed to a mental institution.
Most of the time you will find these nutters have no police record so how is a background check going to help?
Uh huh
I can’t believe this mentality even if you had a gun and someone was stealing your car, TV or Star Wars figures would you really want to get in a gun fight with someone over “stuff” this is why you have insurance. 99.9% of the time if someone is going to rob you they aren’t going to kill you and if they do most of the time they will have the jump on you and the gun you have in the back of the closet in the safe isn’t going to do you any good.