12 shot dead at movie theater

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Until the USA tightens it's gun laws you will continue to have these mass shootings! Why does anyone need to own an assault rifle or a gun for that matter unless you are shooting as a sport, farmer etc The right to bear arms is a 200 year old relic, the excuse that guns don't kill people do is a bit of a cop out. I have been to the USA many times and the amount of crazy people there is pretty scary, combine that with the fact you can walk in to a department store and buy an assault rifle and you have a recipe for disaster. The police are there to protect your property you don't need a gun to do so.

100% naivete. Police response time is ineffective. In the 10 minutes it takes them to arrive, a burglar could be in and out with your valuables, a rapist can be in and out of your loved one and gone, and a murderer can kill you and escape. The 10 minutes is being entirely generous. If they're already being called to the scene of another crime, that might take longer. 911 operators more often then not tell you to flee a situation rather than stick around and defend what's yours. Hell, cops even say to do this in fights where you're assaulted and sometimes even chastise you for sticking up for yourself. Especially if you get the better of your attacker.
If you believe that we are entitled to use guns because it is part of a cultural heritage, I agree 100%. And I also think that you do not need military grade hardware to enjoy shooting or hunting and other recreational activities.

But if you believe that gun ownership is an entitlement to safeguard certain freedoms and other similar political motivations, that is simply foolish. (and incidentally, folks who pursue this line of thinking also believe they should be able to own full auto guns so that they have a chance against organized armed forces).

Uncle bob at your local gun club who has zero combat fitness will not be able to save your derrière if some hitler-like power monger decides to let loose his private army of well trained private military contractors on congress to intimidate voters.

If it gets that bad, everyone is in trouble. The idea is not to let it get that bad in the first place.

There are constitutional safeguards in all western nations that operates to preserve the system of demographic government. But of course if you live in Iran you might be in trouble cuz your constitution has a provision that says the entire system of iranian government will be abolished when the al Mahdi returns (some messianic figure).

But if you're living in an English speaking nation, there are constitional guarantees that operate on the basis of the rule of law (aka you respect the fact that you come under the control of the ruling law of the land).

The political rethoric associated with pro gun movements fundamentally supports this notion of anarchy; I.e. if you're not happy with the government you protest using your guns. This IMO is absolute rubbish.

If a person subscribes to political anarchy, I suggest that they should migrate to one of the many African nations and see how they enjoy living alongside all those african war lords. At least they'll get to keep their guns.


You sound like a liberal and socialist communist,who sent you? Hitler? Stalin? Barry Davis Soetoro?

On clapping: It has always been a dream of mine to start a "slow clap". Have yet to find the opportunity :(
Maybe if we ask nice, willocrew will do his post again. Then in the dramatic pause after he finishes, you can have your chance.
And comments like your's don't do your cause any good when you have a whole 15 posts on this message board 4 of which are on this thread. Why not take the time to get to know people before you argue with them?

And I thought you were done with this discussion since there were so many "cowboys" in here?

Thanks Ween. I had to go to bed. I was sleepy! :wave
I never noticed a Tea Party rally exhibit the kind of tantrums thrown by OWS.

Maybe we should start there.

I didn't say it was.

What you mean is, unlike those who believe in the right to bear arms and have sound arguments for their position, which you and no one else in this thread have been able to refute.

If his mother had aborted him, it would never have happened. What is your point?

Your arguments are a joke and people have given many arguments against Military grade weapons. Please tell me why you need an assault rifle to defend yourself?

If his mother had aborted him? Wow! the most stupid comment I have heard yet, bravo!
Your arguments are a joke and people have given many arguments against Military grade weapons. Please tell me why you need an assault rifle to defend yourself?

If his mother had aborted him? Wow! the most stupid comment I have heard yet, bravo!

Here's some more stupid for your clearly superior skull full of crap.

1) Armed insurrection against a tyrannicall government.

2) Self-defense in the event of economic collapse, natural disaster, riot, etc.

3) Recreation

4) Because you're not the boss of me, bub.

All points made previously in this thread, and all points that have been lamely rebuked with the same broken record droning that there is no need for them.

Now, what country did you say you're from?

And we have that right,as FREE Men to own guns.Only Dictators are for gun control to enslave a people.

that's how liberals think,they enjoy trying to control others,having total disregard to the Constitution and enjoy being surfs as they were bread to be

Damn I thought all this "free men" talk and extreme patriotism only occurred in really bad Jerry Bruckheimer movies! This is the corniest thing I have ever heard, if I was you I wouldn't repeat it.
Look you little snotbag, do you have something real to say, or are you just going to troll and then plead innocent when you get called out?
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