At the end of the day, I really think everyone on both sides is missing the point. I can not see why everyone feels that they need to bring up security and such arguments.
I will say this. If Canada wants to fear guns and allow their government the authority to restrict them...that is their right.
But this is not Canada. This is the United States. This Nation was founded with the intent to not allow the Governemnt to do that. That is all that is important. Stopping these clowns from their murderous rampages is a separate issue and should not be argued with gun control. Arguing it with gun control makes both sides sound desparate to prove an unprovable point. It is a smoke screen to cover the basic issue...and that again is the fact that our Constitution specifically denies that authority to our government. That is how our forefathers wanted it, and I see nothing to indicate a change to that mindset.
No other argument is valid. The 2nd Ammendment of our Constitution is the only point we need on our side.
And on a different subject...I am perfectly OK with the tough "Cowboy" image that we in the United States project to the world. It is not a bad thing nor am I insulted by those who toss the term around with the intent of offending U.S. citizens. I see those people as weak and ignorant whether their intentions are good or not. And even with the haters in Canada...the Cowboys got your back if it comes to it. We have been wiping the noses of so many other countries for so long that I can look
back on that and scoff at the U.S. haters. And I will admit that there are absolutely consequences that come with our way of life . But the benefit that our Cowboy attitude has given the world for so long far outweighs those consequences even now in the light of this tragedy.