Demi G0D Overseer
You seem like a very closed minded and insular person with comments like "get of my country" and "foreigner" I suggest you travel a bit and expand your horizons because comments like those don't do your cause any good.
When it comes to my rights I'm VERY closed minded. I have the right to bear arms. If you do not like our laws no need for you to visit. I'm not telling you to get out of my country I'm telling you to stay the ____ away. As for calling you a foreigner? Well what would you like me to call you? I can think of a few other names.
My travels? That's none of your business really. What I can tell you is that I would never travel to a country where I don't believe in their laws. I would love to see things in the middle east. However, I won't be going there anytime soon.