18 dead in Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

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No, not really. Just because I'm looking forward to knowing what was going on inside that guys mind, doesn't mean it's something exciting for me. I want to know what was happening with him to have him create such a tragic mess.

I think BuffyGirl is only curious as to what caused this kid's killing spree.

"Looking forward to" might have been a poor choice of words, but I think it's fairly obvious what BuffyGirl meant.

Well do any of these gunmen have any real reason for doing this? I have never heard or a reason besides they are just crazy.

Whats also sad is the number of people making memes out of the pictures of the kids running and crying outside of the school. Its ****ing sick! Yet they get comments on the pictures on how "funny" they are. Seriously what kind of people can even make a joke out of this?

well that's probably 4Chan . Whenever a kid kills themselves for bullying or something like that happens they always like to go to the facebook memorial pages and make those kinds of pictures.
I couldn't imagine anything happening to my niece and newphews, the parents must be going through hell right now, they'll never get over this, my Mum lost my brother before i was born and has never recovered, she persevers better than my Dad did but it'll never leave her

The results of this shooting will expand more than anyone realises, couples will likely split up which means even more heartache for the siblings of those who lost their lives.

I'm really sorry to hear that Nova, but she must have cherished you beyond what a kid could have comprehended.
Horrible horrible news...
Another crazy with a submachine gun!

It's like every other month and this crap happens and these crazy people have guns that shoot more bullets and faster than I can say children. So very frustrated right now and sad :(
I'm really sorry to hear that Nova, but she must have cherished you beyond what a kid could have comprehended.

Thanks, i would've loved to have known him, and your more right than you know as i have the same illness that claimed him so raising me must've had some sad parralels

I don't wanna brag but i have the best mum in the world! :lecture

She's coming over from Ireland for Xmas tomorrow, can't wait to see her again
Well do any of these gunmen have any real reason for doing this? I have never heard or a reason besides they are just crazy.

well that's probably 4Chan . Whenever a kid kills themselves for bullying or something like that happens they always like to go to the facebook memorial pages and make those kinds of pictures.

It was from 4Chan. I don't see how that site is still up and running
Like many of you I am a father. Both of my boys are in elementary school. I found out about this tragedy in between classes I was teaching, and I actually had to take my homeroom kids outside for a bit because I wanted nothing to do with teaching them. I just wanted to see happy kids outside playing.

This tragedy will scar us all to different extents, and leave a mark forever. This will never leave our collective consciousness.

My heart aches for all of the families who will never be whole again after this.
It was from 4Chan. I don't see how that site is still up and running

I knew it. That site is scary as hell, they are worst than the Westboro Baptist Church when it comes to attacking those that passed away. :monkey2
I knew it. That site is scary as hell, they are worst than the Westboro Baptist Church when it comes to attacking those that passed away. :monkey2

I would say they are about the same. They both get joy out of attacking people in their worst of times. I kind of just lump these types of groups all together, because they are just pieces of ****
Roger Ebert, very smart quote

The concept you're looking for is evil. They do it because they are evil. Period.

yeah, I guess I was trying to say is there might not even be a real reason like Buffygirl was curious about.
I'm sure he didn't just wake up out of the blue yesterday morning and decide to do that, so there were reasons. They're just not necessary to figure out that he did it because he's evil. Insanity is a load of horse**** and people need to grow up if they think that maggots like this are not responsible for their state of mind. That's all I'm saying.
I'm sure he didn't just wake up out of the blue yesterday morning and decide to do that, so there were reasons. They're just not necessary to figure out that he did it because he's evil. Insanity is a load of horse**** and people need to grow up if they think that maggots like this are not responsible for their state of mind. That's all I'm saying.

okay I get you now, I see what you mean.
I'm sure he didn't just wake up out of the blue yesterday morning and decide to do that, so there were reasons. They're just not necessary to figure out that he did it because he's evil. Insanity is a load of horse**** and people need to grow up if they think that maggots like this are not responsible for their state of mind. That's all I'm saying.

From what i understand his mental faculties were not the same as the average person
The average person is not evil, and that's all I have to say. I'm surprised I have even this many words for the filth that did this. I have yet to experience the rage everyone else has. I have zero emotional response towards the murderer.

I can't talk about it at all. When I do, all I can do is cry. Those poor babies. :(
My prayers go out to the victims and their families.
Instead of Christmas shopping those families will be looking at burial plots and caskets.
It's so sad when it involves kids and it's so close to Christmas.
God has 20 new small angels in heaven now.
"Sleep now children,you're in God's hands now."

This really made me tear up a little. Such a sad road ahead for these families.
Dimes get you donuts this nutjob's condition was probably made worse by some quack who was pumping him with prescription drugs he didn't need.
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