No, not really. Just because I'm looking forward to knowing what was going on inside that guys mind, doesn't mean it's something exciting for me. I want to know what was happening with him to have him create such a tragic mess.
I think BuffyGirl is only curious as to what caused this kid's killing spree.
"Looking forward to" might have been a poor choice of words, but I think it's fairly obvious what BuffyGirl meant.
Well do any of these gunmen have any real reason for doing this? I have never heard or a reason besides they are just crazy.
Whats also sad is the number of people making memes out of the pictures of the kids running and crying outside of the school. Its ****ing sick! Yet they get comments on the pictures on how "funny" they are. Seriously what kind of people can even make a joke out of this?
well that's probably 4Chan . Whenever a kid kills themselves for bullying or something like that happens they always like to go to the facebook memorial pages and make those kinds of pictures.