18 dead in Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

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What human garbage shoot down little children? There isn't a hole in the ground deep enough for this one. If that other guy in custody had a hand in this, I'm all for bring back the firing squad just for him!
What human garbage shoot down little children? There isn't a hole in the ground deep enough for this one. If that other guy in custody had a hand in this, I'm all for bring back the firing squad just for him!

Nah, still too humane. Burn him at the stake. :lecture:lecture:lecture
What human garbage shoot down little children? There isn't a hole in the ground deep enough for this one. If that other guy in custody had a hand in this, I'm all for bring back the firing squad just for him!

I always laugh at what mankinds image of the devil is. He doesn't have a pointy tail, horns or fangs.
What human garbage shoot down little children? There isn't a hole in the ground deep enough for this one. If that other guy in custody had a hand in this, I'm all for bring back the firing squad just for him!

Did he? I thought they were just blaming him for no reason.
Very heartbreaking....days like this make me ashamed to be part of humanity :(

The paramedics, law enforcement officers and other emergency workers... the teachers, religious and community leaders... the friends and families in this small town who will reach out and care for those most closely affected... they should make you proud to be a part of humanity. One nutter doesn't change the overwhelmingly positive aspects of humanity.
Yup. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. :(

:confused: I'm gonna chalk that up to poor choice of words....

No, not really. Just because I'm looking forward to knowing what was going on inside that guys mind, doesn't mean it's something exciting for me. I want to know what was happening with him to have him create such a tragic mess.
The paramedics, law enforcement officers and other emergency workers... the teachers, religious and community leaders... the friends and families in this small town who will reach out and care for those most closely affected... they should make you proud to be a part of humanity. One nutter doesn't change the overwhelmingly positive aspects of humanity.


I do agree with you :)
No, not really. Just because I'm looking forward to knowing what was going on inside that guys mind, doesn't mean it's something exciting for me. I want to know what was happening with him to have him create such a tragic mess.

One "looks forward" to Christmas. Or in my case, I am "looking forward" to seeing the Hobbit tonight :)yess:). One doesn't "look forward" to seeing what goes on in some sick individual's mind unless they are entertained by the prospect. That was indeed a poor choice of words on your part imo. :peace
I think BuffyGirl is only curious as to what caused this kid's killing spree.

"Looking forward to" might have been a poor choice of words, but I think it's fairly obvious what BuffyGirl meant.
Why do people need to bring their political views into something like this?

It's terrible enough all ready.
Very tragic.

I am really wondering what the catalist was for the gunman to do this kind of thing though. Must be something between him and his mother drove him over the edge. In my town a Taxi driver (who i used on occasion) went on a killing spree and shot 9 people dead. And he was just nice guy you would meet in the street that you could just start up a conversation with. it wasnt until after it had happened you found out what was going on behind the smile.
Not even worth responding to. :monkey1
You don't want to know what caused this kid to do what he did? I'm not saying there's any justification for what he did by any means, there isn't. I think his background information is somewhat important to know though. Were there any signs leading up to the incident? Did he have a mental illness? Etc. Not sure why you would consider it a crime to wonder about those things.

Oh and thanks for responding. :wave
You don't want to know what caused this kid to do what he did? I'm not saying there's any justification for what he did by any means, there isn't. I think his background information is somewhat important to know though. Were there any signs leading up to the incident? Did he have a mental illness? Etc. Not sure why you would consider it a crime to wonder about those things.

Oh and thanks for responding. :wave

That's not what I meant, and honestly no. I didn't even have the heartless bastard of a thought of, "Gee, I wonder what made this nutbag jump into the classroom to shoot his mom, slaughter a handful of kids and others before eating the gun himself." I'm still heartbroken over the fact that several families have Christmas in a little over a week and have to deal with the loss of their kids with a holiday that's chalk full of reminders.
In my town a Taxi driver (who i used on occasion) went on a killing spree and shot 9 people dead. And he was just nice guy you would meet in the street that you could just start up a conversation with. it wasnt until after it had happened you found out what was going on behind the smile.

I remember that. You had met and spoken to that guy? That must have been surreal in hindsight to say the least.
I remember that. You had met and spoken to that guy? That must have been surreal in hindsight to say the least.
It was weird. Because when i would go on a night out the road where he started the shooting is the one id go to as it was the unofficial taxi rank where they all lined up. he and even the person he killed first which set him off had driven me home on several occasions. The worrying thing was once we heard he had left the scene and was in a car because it was only a 15 minute walk from my house
No, not really. Just because I'm looking forward to knowing what was going on inside that guys mind, doesn't mean it's something exciting for me. I want to know what was happening with him to have him create such a tragic mess.

I know exactly what you mean. You're "looking forward to it" meaning you're very interested in discovering why this occurred. I, too, look forward to learning the details behind the killer's motives so we as humans can understand what happened and so the surviving victims and families can begin the closure process.
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