I like this season of 24 a lot, it's one of the few shows I watch consistently. I do wish they'd make the spectrum of the show a bit smaller though. ( i.e. not a major national crisis but maybe a smaller less public situation)
I'm not sure what to make of Cherry Jones as President. Unfortunately she is going to have David Palmer disease ( i.e. A minority TV president where they can do nothing wrong, if they do seem to misstep, it's not really their fault. They will always be morally upright and can never be seen in a negative light. How can you make an interesting character without some flaws? But you can't actually show them because the character is a woman. Fox allows the show runners to make a three dimensional flawed female US President, feminist groups lobby and complain to sponsors, who complain to the network, who complains to the show runners, who have to change the dynamic of the show for simple appeasement. Charles Logan was a great character. He was neither all bad nor all good. Despite his failures, he was truly three dimensional. You could see the conflict in him. If it was Charles Logan the black President on 24, would have never happened. If it was President Charlotte Logan on 24, would have never happened. The show has "rebellious" types of overtones, especially considering violence and it's display of hard tactics, but that appeases the average person's sense of "justice" and people's desire to see a good revenge dynamic. On network TV, 24 is only as cutting edge as it can be while still appeasing to it's sponsors. I wish it was on cable. )
I wasn't surprised they flushed the David Palmer character. He always had to be right. He always had to do the right thing. He always had to be moral. He always had to be right, even when he looked wrong. For a show as almost completely plot driven like 24, that's really tying a hand behind your back with a character.
I do like this season, it's much slower paced and I think that's better for the overall story.