Thanks SM for bringing this to our attention. I never visit Kickstarter on my own, I always have to hear about these things from a board or toy news site. But I do love supporting them, despite the ones I have backed not coming to fruition yet. The wait to reap the rewards is so Loooong!
Due to my addictive personality, I'm going to want the "All in/One of Everything" package, but that doesn't seem like the best value at the moment until more stretch goals are unlocked. If none unlock, you'd be paying $255 more for nothing other than helping further the funding. Marauder's kickstarter had a much better option level that gave you one of every stretch goal unlocked for free if you backed at a certain level. And unless they get to $165,000 and unlock those stretch goals, there won't be any kind of a deal on the $500 level (and that's if you have any use for the bucks, which I don't *yet*), which is some serious cash regardless. So I'll probably be one of those problematic backers that's going to wait it out a bit hoping for that level to happen. I'm sure I'm not the only one so that will only further limit backers

I predict once they pass that $165,000 mark, more and more people will back with the All in level as beyond that point anything unlocked is a free extra.
Its really cool to see a lot of new companies breaking ground on this 3 3/4" scale with easily customizable figures. They're really putting Hasbro to shame right now