3 3/4 Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figures [Kickstarter]

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Thanks SM for bringing this to our attention. I never visit Kickstarter on my own, I always have to hear about these things from a board or toy news site. But I do love supporting them, despite the ones I have backed not coming to fruition yet. The wait to reap the rewards is so Loooong! :lol

Due to my addictive personality, I'm going to want the "All in/One of Everything" package, but that doesn't seem like the best value at the moment until more stretch goals are unlocked. If none unlock, you'd be paying $255 more for nothing other than helping further the funding. Marauder's kickstarter had a much better option level that gave you one of every stretch goal unlocked for free if you backed at a certain level. And unless they get to $165,000 and unlock those stretch goals, there won't be any kind of a deal on the $500 level (and that's if you have any use for the bucks, which I don't *yet*), which is some serious cash regardless. So I'll probably be one of those problematic backers that's going to wait it out a bit hoping for that level to happen. I'm sure I'm not the only one so that will only further limit backers :lol I predict once they pass that $165,000 mark, more and more people will back with the All in level as beyond that point anything unlocked is a free extra.

Its really cool to see a lot of new companies breaking ground on this 3 3/4" scale with easily customizable figures. They're really putting Hasbro to shame right now :rock

You Know you can Back it at the 500$ level right now, and keep an eye on it, and if they don't make it to the 165K level before teh end, you can withdraw your Pledge before the kickstarter ends, right?
In-progress Series 3 Robot Design.

I like the robot, but more Greek myth please!
Heracles, Perseus, Jason, Theseus, Orpheus, Agamemnon, Achilles, Ajax, Hector, Paris, Icarus & Daedalus, Circe, Amazons, Centaurs, Satyrs, Nymphs, Sirens, Minotaur, Harpies, Sphinx, Arachne, Charon, Cecrops I, Graeae, Cyclops, Gods, the list goes on.
Also more Greek Soldiers, there's tons of different armor for them to chose from (some shown as stretch goal items) not to mention enemy soldiers like Trojans, Babylonians, Thracians, Phoenicians, etc.
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Pre-Curse Medusa is unlocked and can be ordered for $25 more to your pledge.

Well, I took the plunge and placed the "All in" pledge. This is moving at a fairly good rate, so getting to $165,000 (the break even-ish mark for the all in contribution amount) shouldn't be much of an issue as they are nearly to $100,000 already.
I got a spartan 10 pack. A medusa, pre curse medusa, and a stone spartan.

tough decision to get on board with these considering the 4 horseman is likely going to have their next kickstarter real soon for those mythical legends line...what to pick
tough decision to get on board with these considering the 4 horseman is likely going to have their next kickstarter real soon for those mythical legends line...what to pick

DO BOTH! 4 horsemen likely will not be up for a week or so, possibly longer. kickstarters last 40 days. so you'll have a month in between.

Edit: That article was posted back in Feb, when the ravens were expected to ship in April.

Things DID NOT go smoothly, and it's now june, with the ravens tenatively scheduled to ship at the end of this month.

it'll be july/ august before this kickstarter happens.
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DO BOTH! 4 horsemen likely will not be up for a week or so, possibly longer. kickstarters last 40 days. so you'll have a month in between.

Edit: That article was posted back in Feb, when the ravens were expected to ship in April.

Things DID NOT go smoothly, and it's now june, with the ravens tenatively scheduled to ship at the end of this month.

it'll be july/ august before this kickstarter happens.

Agreed. It's going to be a while before the KS happens, and then it'll be another year+ before we see the figures.
kicktraq updates hourly, it follows the way the pledges trend. right now, it's set to raise HUGE money by the end, but that's asuming that it continues to raise finds at the rate its been going.

That's NOT going to happen as pleges slow down ( and they will) the Kicktraq will adjust it's numbers accordingly. it's generaly fairly accurate. but it's gonna be a week or two before it gets to that accuracy