In regards to Perseus, I'd like to see him similar to original Clash where he's simply dressed and not all armored out.
Bm, do you know if you go all in, are the 10 packs available at a reduced price or the same 175?
I think someone just bit on the $10,000 likeness, not me!
If I did the likeness people would just think it was based off Blake Shelton.
No problem, anything to help a fellow Freak and to help move the kickstarter along. I've fallen in love with this line already. Its all your fault anyway SM!
What's everyone's thoughts on stone versions of the Athenians and other troops? I brought it up on the discussion page of the kickstarter and it seems to be well received. I think having different statues in Medusa's Museum would make for an awesome display. I'm already planning on getting a few extra stone Spartans to have some broken statues in Medusa's collection. Maybe even one in the process of turning into stone. I think having some more variants in this style would make a statue garden that much cooler.
View attachment 114823Hey Folks!
Congratulations to our good friends at Boss Fight Studio for reaching their initial Kickstarter funding goal! They have since passed the $100K level on their Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S Action figure project and STILL have over 30 days to go!
As most of you know, Boss Fight Studio DESIGNED & SCULPTED our Marauder Task Force figures. So if you like the MTF figures, then you MUST check out the Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter project! The initially available items are very impressive AND there are a ton of "Stretch Goal" add-on items yet to unlock! They are currently less than $4,000 away from "unlocking" their NEXT stretch goal: Athenian Warrior vs Green Snake Gorgon!
Our Marauder Task Force Trooper just had to give a congratulatory handshake to his cousin the Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Spartan!
I guess that makes us even then! Or maybe not since I'm spending a lot more on this project than Marauders
I didn't know Boss Fight made the Marauders figures. That's really cool! Nice to now these will work with each other then (not that I plan on displaying Spartans with Spec Ops, but knowing they can share parts that might work either way is awesome).
You're most likely spending a lot more then me on either project.
It might be possible to switch heads from the Marauders to give the Greeks some variation.
and if you didn't know, BFS makes stuff for hasbro and funpub as well.
I plan on pledging when Leonidas gets unlocked,but I really want some Skeletons with the bones weapons packs