I got him through OSB for £145.
Depending on shipping and tax $180 would be fair.
Good figure.
Didn't notice anything wrong with the eyes on mine. But he has the shades on any way.
Yes truly a must have figure ..i may go ahead and get one
I got him through OSB for £145.
Depending on shipping and tax $180 would be fair.
Good figure.
Didn't notice anything wrong with the eyes on mine. But he has the shades on any way.
Made a quite trip down to Ikea this weekend and got me another cabinet.
I don't like having more than three on each shelf and with Abigail, T1000, War Machine and Berzerker on the way, things are gonna get crowded again fast.
Behold "the cabinet of cool"!
I love those detolfs! Too bad I live nowhere near an Ikea and they won't ship those to me.
I have my very first hot toy comeing this thursday. I ordered a final battle john connor and I also have preorders on ghost rider with hell cycle war machine and battle damaged iron man mark v1. I Also want whiplash aldo rain and hans landa
Made a quite trip down to Ikea this weekend and got me another cabinet.
I don't like having more than three on each shelf and with Abigail, T1000, War Machine and Berzerker on the way, things are gonna get crowded again fast.
Behold "the cabinet of cool"!
Made a quite trip down to Ikea this weekend and got me another cabinet.
I don't like having more than three on each shelf and with Abigail, T1000, War Machine and Berzerker on the way, things are gonna get crowded again fast.
Behold "the cabinet of cool"!
I missed out on king leo and iron man mark 1 and blade i am on wait list for all 3 but not holding my breath
I love the LSB Galactus! Sadly for me I'm just gonna have to settle for the 19" Hasbro Masterworks one for the time being.
I recently had some relatives over ..one being an 8 year old kid ..he wandered into my collection room,and of course i followed to make sure he did't touch anything ..i was expecting him to say something like"Cool your so lucky"or something like that ..He actually went on to say he wasn't really into action figures ...an 8 year old kid said this to me..
I recently had some relatives over ..one being an 8 year old kid ..he wandered into my collection room,and of course i followed to make sure he did't touch anything ..i was expecting him to say something like"Cool your so lucky"or something like that ..He actually went on to say he wasn't really into action figures ...an 8 year old kid said this to me..
That's just not normal!
Take him to the doctor!