They're also available on timewalker toys and monkey depot.
I found the Green Ranger on Urban Samurai ( and Timewalker Toys ( However, Monkey Depot is odd- all I can find is a sell page for the 5-figure team set ( While there is a photo of the Green Ranger on that page, I can't find a separate sell page for it.
Are any of these sites reliable? Which one would be the best one to order from, living in the states?
Timewalker is fantastic. Fast shipping and prompt responses on inquires.
Ok I’m pretty much decided that I’m all in for every Ranger. Just need to make sure that the cost won’t ruin me when it comes to paying in 2019.
My only concerns are for the colour of the suits matching the helmets and the yellow ranger using a male body. I’m sure I can just switch to a female body and maybe do a bit of tailoring (even though I have no prior experience whatsoever) to make it look right. Also, Tommy’s sword of darkness should use a little red bit of fabric for the tassel on the pommel or at least be a separate painted red piece instead of being a stiff part of the sword’s mold; but for a 1/6 figure, I think it should be fabric.
For a second I thought all the Ranger’s bodies looked a bit awkward and then I looked at shots of the cast and the suits looked ill fitting pretty much all the time anyway.
If someone does a set of the movie costumes next then I’ll bite too. Throw in a Green Ranger version for fun as well.
They've already announced that the yellow ranger will be a female in production, so it's a moot point.
I subscribe to the Billy Joel school of thought: she’s always a woman to me.
Now one more little detail I’ve noticed is how the Green Ranger’s Morpher clearly has the ‘Power Rangers’ inscription written on it but Red Ranger’s is more of an unintelligible scrawl. I hope this is tidied up for production as the morphers are one of my favourite aspects of the figures.
I subscribe to the Billy Joel school of thought: she’s always a woman to me.