While I am not an Anderson hater like most of the posters here, I too had problems with AVP. Mainly, as mentioned by others, continuity errors (the movement of the pyramid and the super accelerated face hugger-birth-full size alien cycle being the worst offenses) and the watered down PG-13 - although I believe that one was forced on him by the studio.
However, I didn't have a problem with the predators being *****-slapped around. This pyramid was a coming of age rite for young (emphasis YOUNG)predators. Think of it as an alien version of the Spartan trials that Leonidas went through in 300. They were shoved into a maze of death and had to make it to their shoulder canons and escape. If they died, oh well, they weren't worthy. The humans are the ones who f'k the trial up. When they reached the canons first and set off the alien release mechanism, they put the young, inexperienced predators at a disadvantage. So, other than personal taste on the viewers part, what was the problem with them being somewhat clumsy ... and cocky (i.e. the Predator who kicked a little ass then got impaled by the Alien on the pillar because he was too full of himself)? If they had left the rating at hard R and fixed those continuity errors (which once again could have come from the numerous cuts they were forced to make - even the unrated version isn't the complete movie. They were never given the budget to finish all the gorier effects.), the film would have been amazing. As it is, in unrated form, it's merely entertaining. But no where near the source materials.
P.S. Sorry, every time people call the Predator Wolf, I can't help but imagine if they had gotten Harvey Keitel to play the part
Get it straight buster - I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do and if self-preservation is an instinct you possess you'd better f#$king do it and do it quick! I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen. If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the f#$king town!