EGM gave this a 9/10
Interesting that it was from the same reviewer who rated Halo 4 7/10
Someone posted this on AvPGalaxy. Definitely my favorite. Love the fact that they used dub$h!t.
EGM gave this a 9/10
Interesting that it was from the same reviewer who rated Halo 4 7/10
EGM gave this a 9/10
Interesting that it was from the same reviewer who rated Halo 4 7/10
That's what I call a bought review. He seems to be the only one who accepted the bribe lol. Please read the comments below, priceless.
9 makes it seem like he either hasn't played the game, or hasn't ever played any other game in his whole life and his mind was blown when he was able to control what was happening on the TV.
Funniest thing about this is going to the Gearbox forums on their site and seeing people apologizing for this POS
"No, no is not that bad, you just have to let it grow on you"
"I'm playing on Ps3 and it's still pretty cool!"
"For me, Aliens Colonial Marines will stay with my other Gearbox games because Gearbox does what it does best, make games for fun. I say to you Gearbox Software, thank you so much."
check this one out:
"The gaming community has stood up and supported Gearbox for taking one of our favorite Sci Fi franchises from the movie screen and bringing it home to the video game screen.
everyday more and more people are joining the multiplayer servers to get in on the action they heard about through the addictive online play for ACM which takes multiplayer gaming into the next gen of gaming showing what games are possible in the future"
kinda sounded like a Gearbox employee defending the game, but is funny to read it.
People really are zombies. Like seriously, is the average gamers IQ really that low? Like what is it that's missing in their brain?
there are a lot of people trashing the game, but then there are the few that praise it, lol, I went there just to see what was going on about the game and haven't stop laughing for the last 20 min at the arguments.
someone is asking people to Contact their State Attorney General For A Refund