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I saw that commercial last night as well... its pretty impressive how they can recreate the scenes from the movies. Definitely the best one they've done.
Where did you guys see this new ad? I haven't caught it yet....
And thanks for the screen test link P! That was cool!
For fear of opening a can of worms, it surprises me that so many of you guys are down on Alien 3 . O.k it was flawed , but considering the circumstances of it's production ( to cut a very long story short , there was no complete shooting script as it went into production ), it's a miracle it ever got completed. The addition of the "extended cut" ( on the Quadrilogy Set )helps to clear up the narative problems with the theatrical cut and 15 years down the line it still stands up as a genuinely scary and atmospheric addition to the series . Not the best , but the most daring and interesting Alien movie . ( Covers head and prepares for incoming flak!):lol
dude, i liked it. didn't love it, but liked it. VERY atmospheric. Fincher did an amazing job considering what he was working with.
dude, i liked it. didn't love it, but liked it. VERY atmospheric. Fincher did an amazing job considering what he was working with.

That pretty much sums it up. If you judge it only by seeing it, you could probably find a lot of shortcomings, but when you see the BTS on the DVD, and know the back story of the project, you see it in a new light and think to yourself, wow, they really pulled off a nice film against all of the factors that stood in the way. My only real dissappointment with 3 is a curiousity of what could have been if the major speedbumps hadn't gotten in the way.

However, steering things back onto ALIENS, I hope to have my Hicks weathering complete and photographed this evening.
Well...ALIEN 3....oh boy. Both I and my best friend had to physically force ourselves NOT to walk out of the theater steaming mad after the first 10 minutes of that movie. :cuss

After LOVING James Cameron's ALIENS so much, I was approaching ALIEN 3 with a lot of caution. Yeah, I was royally pissed off that Newt, Hicks and even Bishop were killed off in the beginning of it. David Fincher has proven himself a worthy director with later films like Seven. I know after hearing through the "grapevine" and all that was known and written about the production of ALIEN 3 how much crap he had to tolerate in making the film.

Yeah, ALIEN 3 definitely had an interesting production quality to it, and I appreciated that, but just didn't appreciate how the Ripley story continued in this one. It was as if everything James Cameron fought to work hard to keep in the story, was destroyed so quickly at the beginning of ALIEN 3. Sure, the ALIEN story is not some "rosy" feel-good story, but I was hoping Ripley would find peace finally, and possibly a family life with both Newt and Hicks. I could really see that happening after the end of ALIENS. Her story could have ended there for me, and I was fine with that. I didn't see a "need" for ALIEN 3. But apparently the "suits" at Fox did. Oh well. I didn't care for the new CGI alien in ALIEN 3 either. It just looked fake for the most part until they had to resort to using real models of it for the closeups. So, that was disappointing too. So, my final thoughts on ALIEN 3 are that I didn't like it....but I didn't hate it....but just tolerated it waiting to see if the next ALIEN movie, and I knew there would eventually be another one...would be any better. I thought the next one was better. I liked Alien: Ressurection. My favorite ALIENS movies are in this order: 1.) ALIENS 2.) ALIEN 3.) Alien: Ressurection 4.) ALIEN 3.

I've got the awesome ALIEN Quadrilogy DVD set too. I love it. :D I have watched both versions of ALIEN 3 on it. It was interesting to see the extra footage, but again, it is not my favorite ALIEN movie, it is my least favorite one.

This is all my opinion and my personal views on ALIEN 3. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Thanks.
I understand what you feel for Alien 3 as much as I understand what James Cameron must have felt when he first saw this film.
The thing is, if you were a director, what would you have done had Hicks, Newt and Bishop not died? I think Aliens' sequel would have been less interesting. Killing everyone Ripley loves is necessary IMO. Since Alien, the audience knows that she will always suffer no matter what. I think that's her fate in a way and that's what David Fincher wanted to highlight. In fact, I think I don't want to see Ripley live a nice life. Her character was created so she can give this very dark atmosphere to the saga. I think she's even more terrifying than the creature itself as she stands for everything we wish to avoid in our lives.
I think it's the same reason why Clemens (Charles Dance) died so early in the film. Most people think that it was quite unexpected. Yet it is necessary.

To me, Alien3 is a great film on the grounds that, like the first 2 pictures, it has its own atmosphere and puts a great end to the saga (Resurrection should not be considered a part of this saga...)
(Resurrection should not be considered a part of this saga...)

Now this I agree with.

Conceptually, it might have worked on paper -- cloning an alien-Ripley hybrid as the ultimate weapon -- but the film left me flat on every level. And the human-alien hybrid at the end was an utter disappointment to say the least. Laughable is being kind.

Unfortunately, it IS part of the Alien Saga. Strange that no one has been able to come up with a suitable alien sequel in 10 years. You'd think they would just slap one out to cash in. I mean, how hard is it to come up with a solid concept?

No Alien movie is rocket science in its storyline... bit it's clear that a great Alien movie is completely dependant on a great director.
Ok, here are some shots to try and show off my Hicks painting, now I'm off to bed, hopefully I'll get a chance to try DA's clothes weathering technique this weekend.










Incredible work Maulfan! I like it. I'm taking your painting tips and will do the same aging and weathering to my marines armor for Hicks, Hudson and Apone. Please take a look at my recent post with pictures of my custom Hicks on the other "Building Your Marines - Correctly" thread I posted tonight. Thanks! :D
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I understand what you feel for Alien 3 as much as I understand what James Cameron must have felt when he first saw this film.
The thing is, if you were a director, what would you have done had Hicks, Newt and Bishop not died? I think Aliens' sequel would have been less interesting. Killing everyone Ripley loves is necessary IMO.

To me, Alien3 is a great film on the grounds that, like the first 2 pictures, it has its own atmosphere and puts a great end to the saga (Resurrection should not be considered a part of this saga...)

I had no problem with Hicks, Newt, and Bishop being killed off if that served the new storyline. The thing that bugged me was how it was handled. My issues were with the script, not the director, unless it was he who decided to just brush past them like that. It seemed sort of cheap to me for some reason. I've never seen the new edition of 'Alien 3', but I'm sure it would probably change my point of view if there's something to explain the lack of continuity I felt in the original film. I certainly didn't expect a happy ending or new beginning, (not in an Alien movie!), but maybe if a little more had been done with the script to bring a better sense of closure to the leftovers from 'Aliens', then I could have moved on and seen 'Alien 3' as the fresh start of a completely new story. As I said earlier, I did enjoy it, and for the same reasons others have pointed out, it's just that I'd have enjoyed it a lot more had the beginning part been handled a little better, storyline/script-wise.
Untill recently I had not seen Alien 3 for many many years and for all that time I hated the movie for numerous reasons. Therefore I was quite suprised to find I thoroughly enjoyed viewing it again on the Quadrilogy box set, in its original theatrical cut.

Its shortcomings were still painfully obvious but I was more able to appreciate its daring (could the film be any more bleak?? lol) the beautiful cinematography and art direction plus it gave closure to Ripleys story arc.

Its just a shame that movie went into production without a finished script and the end result does suffer because of it. I found the premise of running around dimly light corridors again to be rather tiresome (they should have gone to the Alien homeworld or at least Earth) and I despised the unsympathetic and anonymous prisoners, then theres the whole Hicks and Newt thing which was unforgivable.

I really dont see how the film disruptes continuity and canon set in the first two movies and now I think its a worthy addition to the saga. Its certainly not the best Alien movie, but even then its infinately superior to Alien Ressurection; the movie which killed the franchise in my opinion.
How did you roll up the sleeves so high on your Hicks BDU's and still get it to fit under the shoulder pads?
How did you roll up the sleeves so high on your Hicks BDU's and still get it to fit under the shoulder pads?

I think it was pjam that said it, someone suggested just cutting the sleeves, and I was hesitant to do it, but bottom line I'd only ever really want Hicks armored for battle, and 98% of the film you see his bare arms all the way into the armor, only about the end of the film when they're fleeing after Newt is taken do you see his sleeve showing with the armor on.
Yikes. Don't want to cut the sleeves on mine. Looks cool though.

I didn't pull the trigger on doing it with ease, but like I said, I like the look and this is the only way I'll ever use the figure. If I want sleeves I could always scour eBay for another shirt.

Here are some new pictures.

AVP Poster Style Image:


"Hudsonnnnn!!! Look outttt!!!"



"Eat this!!!"



