Hey gang, sorry no pictures as I said I'd have, hope to have them tomorrow, but I've been painting Hick's armor with weathering all night after I got some screen grabs for reference. It's funny, as random and sloppy as this paint job can be, it's still meticulous and time consuming to get just right, and I'm really enjoying it. So far, I've weathered his upper body armor, in taking it off I accidentally removed the grenade straps so now I'll be able to swap his knife out. I also added weathering to his helmet and his light pack, it really adds a sense of realism to weather these pieces. The gun has a fair ammount of weathering to it, so I'll probably leave that as is. Tomorrow, weathering of the cod piece, shin guards, adding the text to the back of the upper body armor, and then thanks to Josh sharing his trick for aging, I'll move on to fading the clothes and dealing with the sleeves.