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Well this is upsetting, since I JUST bought mine from BBTS.

It'll be here in a few days. I guess I'll have to just wait and see...

Good luck Master Wayne, hope yours is better than mine.
The one I recived was No# 139 maybe a few others around that
number might have the same problem, just a theory I hope I'm wrong.
I can tell you this though it is an awesome bust and looks great
in person, provided you get a good one.
Personally I'm staying clear away from this bust now, for that kind
of money I won't risk it.
I'm trying to get a SS Exclusive Samaritan for a friend of mine for Christmas. Is there a chance a waitlist reservation will convert pretty fast for one of these or should I just go with ebay?
I got my Samaritan for $275 shipped here on the boards. Exclusive, too. One of my proudest deals.

The Angel will be here tomorrow. I can't decide if I should be nervous or excited. :(
Just got my Angel of Death.

Yep. Same problem. Doesn't seem as bad as your's, but I can feel the paint cracking under my finger tips as I hold it. Already put a crack in the collar bone just by touching it. The texture is so dry, and not smooth at all. Son of a bltch!!!

It's such a gorgeous bust, too. I wonder if it's salvagable. It's worth it to me. Anybody know of any primers I could self apply, or anything like that?

Oh, and by the way, I got number 8/150. My favorite number, and the lowest I've ever recieved. So this problem must span over the entire line.
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It's such a gorgeous bust, too. I wonder if it's salvagable. It's worth it to me. Anybody know of any primers I could self apply, or anything like that?

Well, primer has to go on before the bust is painted, so that's not an option unless you want to strip the whole thing and start over. I'm really not sure what you can do, aside from just not touching the problem areas and hoping for the best. You might be able to talk Sideshow into giving you a partial refund for the problem (assuming you got it from them -- I don't recall if you said).
Hmm. You could try but it looks to me like the paint is actually coming unattached from the surface below, causing it to bubble and crack. I'm not sure if spraying it with anything would help. I hope Sideshow has solved these problems for future pieces. I imagine that it's the factory's fault, but maybe they can switch suppliers or crack the whip and get them in line.
So I was giving the bust a once over with my compressed air, you know, to clear all the little packing Styrofoam particles and whatnot, and the cracked collar bone piece blew clean off. How neat is that.


I carefully felt around the entire bust, and this seemed to be the only place peeling off. The paint tone and color does seem easy enough to match. I could repaint this section, and see how that goes, or just return it. What a nightmare.
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Tell BBTS about it. I've had good luck with their customer service in the past, although I've never been in quite this situation. They may be able to do something for you.

And yeah, that really sucks. :(
Email sent.

Being as this character means a lot to me on a personal level, the perfect edition number of eight, and Dougie being a close personal friend of mine, I decided to see if I could touch up paint it.


It blends better in person.
I dunno. I'm not too thrilled with the idea of sending it back, either. All things considered, the affected area could be a lot worse. Then again, this is BS for a $500 collectible.

I'm a little torn.
Sorry to hear the bad news Master Wayne, I know the feeling.
Mine was also yellow under the peeling paint, clearly
there is know primer there. This is indeed BS!!!!
Wow, that totally sucks and is not even close to acceptable (not your repaint, the chipping paint :lol)!

I know I'd be super pissed if I was in your shoes... not to mention the paint of getting such a low ES. Paint just coming off like that should never happen. Heck, even on cheap-o pieces I've never had something like this happen.
Here is my collection of Kroenen masks. Still waiting on one more sideshow mask stand in which to hold the Venetian mask.


Really love Kroenen if you can't tell ;)!!!

:eek Too cool man!

Really sorry to see all the problems folks are having with their AOD busts, that sucks, especially for such an expensive piece...:(