All Things HELLBOY

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Bumping this in hope that we can get an update :pray:
I LOVE Hellboy! Great customs btw.

I don't have the HT HB because he goes for way too much. But I have both pf's that ssc released. I also have his hand, it's not the right hand of doom where he's making a fist, it's the open hand one. If HT ever did a new HB, I would buy him, but can't afford the $300 price tag right now on the current one.
The Hellboy figure is awesome. The only issues people had with it is the old weak knees (which can easily be swapped out for the current stronger ones) and limited arm articulation due to the muscle body.

I just got another HT Hellboy recently off Ebay . My first was stolen by my younger brother. I agree with samueljd on the articulation in the arms. I took pics and had so much difficulty with him just holding Big Baby. I really must find a HT Abe now, there's just so many figures on my wish list. :horror:

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Hellboy III would be awesome but Guillermo stated that Ron Perlman won't wear the costume anymore and he won't direct without him so it would have to be a complete Hellboy reboot.
Hellboy III would be awesome but Guillermo stated that Ron Perlman won't wear the costume anymore and he won't direct without him so it would have to be a complete Hellboy reboot.

Yeah, but Perlman has shown interest again. That's why it's being discussed. :peace

Its great to hear that Hellboy 3 is not completely dead after all.

It may be awhile, but we might just see the red ape return to the screen for his final bow.

Looks like Guillermo and Ron hooking up at Comic Con this summer was fruitful after all. :clap :clap :clap
Hellboy III would be awesome but Guillermo stated that Ron Perlman won't wear the costume anymore and he won't direct without him so it would have to be a complete Hellboy reboot.

Perlman also said he'd never wear prosthetics again after Beauty and the Beast. And that was before Hellboy ... I'll keep my fingers crossed. :monkey1
Just wondering guys, is the HT Hellboy worth buying or looks outdated?

does not look outdated at all in fact it stands out on anybodies shelf on of hot toys best sculpts. i stare at him just as much as all the rest of my figures but he's a masterpiece.
I thought some of the problem with HB 3 was del Tora wanted to end the franchise and Mignola hadn't written the ending for the books yet and so didn't want to do it before he had written it for the series.
I would be happy for HT to remake Hellboy. I'd buy it but the rubber body worries me. If they remade it without a rubber body, it's be a day one purchase.

Yes, it is the main concern, actually. Other than the rubber body's endurance and the limited articulations (caused by the rubber body itself), everything else's perfect.

I posted a question in the "Hot Toys rubber deteriorations" thread, asking, if there's anyone who tried spraying the rubber body with silicon spray, to add an extra protective layer and add more endurance to the rubber body, what's the side effect and all, but so far no response.

The rubber body, must be kept in a good place with the right temperature. The rubber can be dry, just like what I see in the following pic posted by Sir Onesixth


As you can see, the stomach area lacks the "glossy" looks that still remains in the upper chest area. It looks paler, the rubber on that area has dried up, and it's lost the glossy effect on it. I know this for sure because the same thing has happened to mine. I did fix it though, by selling it and bought a new one, still has perfect body.

Here's the pic of a new fresh one, with the stomach still glossy and all:



So I dunno, whether keeping it in the box will let the humidity stable or what, or even makes it worse, because some says rubber needs to breathe and needs flowing air. However, if you intend to keep your Hellboy HT figure in box, mind the twisties in the leg area, it's holding the leg tight and makes the leather pants peeling off.
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I just got another HT Hellboy recently off Ebay . My first was stolen by my younger brother. I agree with samueljd on the articulation in the arms. I took pics and had so much difficulty with him just holding Big Baby. I really must find a HT Abe now, there's just so many figures on my wish list. :horror:

Congrats! How much did you bought it?

What do you mean your brother stole it? He literally stole it from your collection or you just give it to him?
I thought some of the problem with HB 3 was del Tora wanted to end the franchise and Mignola hadn't written the ending for the books yet and so didn't want to do it before he had written it for the series.

Actually, I talked to Mike Mignola personally about this very topic at this year's comic con and he too had changed his mind. He said that he kind of over-reacted to the impending third film. Ultimately he rationed that the two Hellboy worlds (film and comic book) have always been so totally different and didn't see why that should change. One finale shouldn't impact the other.

He told me that the only thing stopping Hellboy III from happening was Guillermo's busy schedule and that he may never get around to doing it. He also noted that since Hellboy 2 didn't exactly burn up the box office (it made some money) the studio isn't exactly applying any pressure on Guillermo to finish the trilogy... not like the pressure Nolan had from WB to complete the Dark Knight trilogy.

If there is going to be another Hellboy movie, Guillermo will have to push to get it made... like he has done with the other two.