Wrong. They are both originals.
There have never been KO reissues of either Sunstreaker or Trailbreaker which is why I had to buy originals.
Also the mold for Trailbreaker isn't "damaged" at all. It's been used several times. First for the TRU Hoist reissue and more recently for the E-Hobby Trailbreaker reissue a few years back. I've been trying to get one of those E-Hobby reissues but they've become rather hard to find so I deceided to just get an original.
I do have a few KO reissues: Gnaw X 5, Outback, Seaspray, and the Dinobots.
They' re great and I recommend them to everyone like me who wants a MINT loose G1 collection.
I own an original G1 Grimlock that I bought 10 years ago MISB and then opened for my loose MINT collection and it's identical to the KO. Same with Gnaw.
Now I wish they'd do a KO Scourge since I only got 3 of them and I need more Sweeps.
Animated and Shattered Glass reviews later today. :chew