Super Freak
I'm sorry, but i'm tired of the movie stuff. Back to Universe/Classics line please.
I love the Human Alliance sets and have all three they've released so far (I want Lennox and Ironhide). The Bumblebee/Sam set was my first Transformers purchase.
I haven't seen the classic series yet, I'm waiting on my friend to get his dvd set back and then we're going to watch them. I'm not sure I'll like it - 80s cartoons are hit or miss for me, and I've been introduced to TF through the live action films. I think I saw a handful episodes as a kid, and I didn't remember much about them, just Optimus Prime because of all of his fanboys.
anything G1 and Beast Wars is a must watch.
Armada, Energon, Cybertron, etc. are pretty good (I love 'em all honestly) as well.
I hate Beast Wars, that's where I stopped and then came back whenever TF 2007 came out.![]()
I hate Beast Wars, that's where I stopped and then came back whenever TF 2007 came out.![]()
Never understood the point of beast wars myself. Whats the appeal in robot that transform into....animals and bugs?
Damn, I wish Human Alliance figures were half the price they are; they're nice, but they're not $30 a piece nice.
Besides which the Beast Wars toys I've seen all look pretty bad so there's little intrest for me there either.
Or a fecking Nissan GTR.Whilst there are exceptions such as the Dinobots I'm firmly of the opinion that Optimus Prime should be a truck,
yeah, imagine the thought!
All this talk of animal transformers made me want to post pics of my Device Label Ravage.
Best Ravage to date in my opinion, Love him to bits!!
All very rare exceptions to the rule, and all from G1, not any of the "beast" series's.