Silent Bob
Super Freak
Today was a good day !!!!! 

The black version is a lottery prize. The regular version will have a movie accurate paintjob. With a bit of luck a Buster-type job too, because that would make the high pricetag well worth it.
Today was a good day !!!!!
Today was a good day !!!!!
Aw man, Bob you really are my brother from another mother. Exquisite taste sir. I really need a United Jazz & Tracks.
Nice, im waiting on my tracks and jazz to arrive, are you gonna take them out of their cardboard prisons and take some pics?
Doesnt seem to be much difference between United WJ and the Generations version that i can see, which i just got today and i LOVE IT!
Congrats! Jazz & Tracks are the pick of the United line and Wheeljack isn't bad either from what I can tell ( still waiting for mine )
How does Arcee compare with an official TF?
Thanks my friend. Still waiting on my United Scourge, Perceptor and Gen Kup with Igear heads, but they will hopefully be sent when Kapow get the Heads in!
I've got to say i LOVE Arcee. She cost a bit, but was well worth it. She is very posable and works really well with the "classics". A few pics for you.
Sorry for clogging the thread, just very excited
If you see a Windcharger in stores, pick him up. The scouts are being discontinued.
I'm not really a fan of the head on that custom Prime, is it from the Classics Voyager class figure? still, all your customs are really really creative and well done, probally the best i've seen.
That first pic I thought it was the MP. Awesome work on that Prime, frenzy!!
My god...cake anyone?![]()
I personally don't think the United deluxe figures are worth the $60 local sellers charge here, no way! not for a figure that small..the Hasbro RTS/Generations line plus Reprolabels will do just fine.
You buy two United figures and that is pretty close to one Hot Toys figure, gahh!.
My god...cake anyone?
Silent bob: Great pics man! Im surprised by united WJ though..i have my "bog standard" gen wj infront of me and i can compare them both side by side using your pics and i gotta say...some how the gen one looks way better.
Not to rip on your purchase or burst your bubble or anything im not trying to, its just my opinion.
I dunno what it is...i dont think the metallic green works for the character/ thing i do prefer however is how they continued the green stripe along the sides on the doors up to the windows, for some reason the generation one ends half way up them...odd.
Still a killer cool toy whichever one you get, and im in love with mine.
One of my fave classics-verse toys ever i think.
Bcm suggested i get the g1 wj reprolabels instead of the set they made for the gen wj but i was wondering how this would look...anyone got any idea or has done this themselves?
I LOVE the white plastic on wj as well, it has so much depth to it, this is how all white-colored toys should look. Looking forward to United Jazz and Drift even more now!
After seeing your pics of arcee im now tempted by her as well. Im not really a big supporter of third party knock offs but she does look good with the other autobots. (how much was she?)