I gotta admit it, that paintjob alone is worth the pricetag.
Glad you enjoy them, regardless. :thumb Are you going to get those add-on sets that the guy on TFW is making?
BTW, Generations is coming back tot the UK!
I still hate Perceptors alt mode but he stays in robot mode all the time so it's not an issue and for just under ten pounds it was worth it.......Deluxes rarely cost that little now so it seemed silly not to make the most of it.
Kup has grown on me, probably because I relate to his "grumpy old man" character

I'm just waiting for the iGear heads to arrive so I can take a load of pics with each of the new ones.
Wreck-Gar being the same price as Perceptor also helped bring me round to it but those custom sets also played their part.
I'm waiting for the second head to be ready as I like that one better.
Dubz has also repainted one of my Wreck-Gars and showed me the first pic today...........it ROCKS!
If I'm pleased with the quality of the first set I buy from the guy at TFW I would be open to getting more as I expect e-hobby Scrapheap will get some kind of Hasbro release which will give me an opportunity to get more of that mold.
Great news on Generations, I may get WFC Soundwave and a couple more Scourges as that mold is proving very addictive.