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Looks like they are 14X12, went there at lunch with my co-worker buddy, he didn't want his litho so now I have two of them! :banana
Yeah almost didn't get one because the front display at Best Buy didn't have the lithos displayed on them, it wasn't until i was in line waiting to pay that I saw other ppl having them in their hands.

I was like "wait a minute, where did u get that?" The lithos were on a display towards the back of the store with the rest of the DVD's!

I have TF the movie on my XBOX as a DVD XVID screener version, so no since in opening this one to watch it...

I will when I get home tonight, haven't been able to open it here at work, and if I did, I'd want to play it and get nothing done all day :)


and i hear you man!! I'm almost happy that I don't have mine yet (it's on it's way from amazon as we speak) - and even if I had it but hadn't opened it... all i would is think about it, thus getting no work done.

i just can't win!!

and i hear you man!! I'm almost happy that I don't have mine yet (it's on it's way from amazon as we speak) - and even if I had it but hadn't opened it... all i would is think about it, thus getting no work done.

i just can't win!!

Which is why mine's down in my car, didn't even bring it in the building. Much as I'm eager to see the film again, I'm more interested in the bonus materials, I like seeing the behind the scenes end of effects films.
Which is why mine's down in my car, didn't even bring it in the building. Much as I'm eager to see the film again, I'm more interested in the bonus materials, I like seeing the behind the scenes end of effects films.

Yeah I'm not interested in the movie either, more for the bonus material. My co-worker is goin to open his and give the mini-transformers to his kids... He'll bring the two set disc back into work tomorrow and I'll *cough(cop....) I mean borrow it for a night!
I am drooling over a nice anniversary Optimus that is there, but he is $69+ and I am not sure I can think about him now or not.
Wish they'd do an Ultimate movie Optimus, like they did for Bumblebee. THAT I would get!
Anyway, glad to be enjoying this stuff. :chew
Sorry Les, but that is the Optimus to have! G1 Prime > Movie Prime. Especially with some of your paint wizardry, you could make that puppy look bad ass!! :rock You need to get one, that is the definitive Prime.
Here's what the Autobot DVD Tin looks like.



It's a standard dvd case with a tin front and back casing.
Cool beans! I wish we still had an FYE in my town!
Oh well...
Watching the movie in thirty minutes! Got to stop painting for the day.
Great stuff!
Got my 2-disc SE yesterday. A little disapointed by the cover, wish they would have chosen tin cover as standard insted of a regula cover in a plastic slipcase.
But the danish version is tin cover, just sucks that it won't come out untill december 4th.
Here's what the Autobot DVD Tin looks like.



It's a standard dvd case with a tin front and back casing.

awesome, thanks for posting!! is there space for 2 discs inside? i'm crazy, but i'm actually thinking of getting that for the cover, and then putting my HD DVDs in it.

yeah, i know... crazy.

btw, love the pic with prime holding it. :D
awesome, thanks for posting!! is there space for 2 discs inside? i'm crazy, but i'm actually thinking of getting that for the cover, and then putting my HD DVDs in it.

yeah, i know... crazy.

btw, love the pic with prime holding it. :D

Thanks, I was going to try and have more of Prime showing, but the figure wasn't made to hold DVD, but it does just about everything else which is why it rocks! It is a 2 DVD case. The style is, Disc 2 is in the right side of the case at the bottom, and then Disc 1 is at the top snapping into place on top of disc 2, with the standard Chapter/Ad clip configuration on the left side.
I dont Transformers on HD, but it still looks AMAZING on the PS3, and sounds feakin' great!!!!!I love me some Transformers on a 50" plasma!