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I bought the Walmart EX.It comes with a Cartoon prequel.I thought it was pretty cool but it also came with no special features,buyers beware.I'm most likely going to put it in my sons room and buy the HDVD version later on when I get player.Great fu%#ing movie though,I saw a lot of the scenes more clearer even in the DVD.I did'nt realize that when Optimus and Bone Crusher were going at it,Optimus also chops off BC's arm right before he shuvs his sword into his scull.I think that Megatron had the best voice out of all of the TF's,and lastly I think that the grunts,yells and moans that the TF's made when fighting were a very cool addition to the movie,very cool.
Not to break up the party, but did anyone pick up the BestBuy exclusive Ratchet figure?

i'm curious as to how different it is from the original voyager class figure. side by side pics would be a bonus.


Figure is the same, just packaged in robot mode and has a metallic green paint job.
I bought the Walmart EX.It comes with a Cartoon prequel.I thought it was pretty cool but it also came with no special features,buyers beware.I'm most likely going to put it in my sons room and buy the HDVD version later on when I get player.Great fu%#ing movie though,I saw a lot of the scenes more clearer even in the DVD.I did'nt realize that when Optimus and Bone Crusher were going at it,Optimus also chops off BC's arm right before he shuvs his sword into his scull.I think that Megatron had the best voice out of all of the TF's,and lastly I think that the grunts,yells and moans that the TF's made when fighting were a very cool addition to the movie,very cool.

I bought the Walmart Exc. as well as they usually are the first version to disappear completely and the compilation of the prequel comic on DVD is a pretty cool keepsake. I agree about the double dvd with special features-- I think I'll get that later when I switch everything to high def.

Great to watch this on an "official" version--crystal clear. Now it truly isobvious that that's just a generic car that Ironhide throws in the way and not Barricade as we orginally discussed.

Picture perfect and in the comfort of home with the big screen--- nothing better.:D
I got the two disc set from Walmart. Was wary of the boxed set not being special ed. Anyway, watched disc one (The movie) last night. WAS AWESOME! Sorry to those that think otherwise...:D
Will catch the special stuff when I can. Great DVD!
FUN movie still! LOVE that score! I had forgotten it was so prominent throughout the movie. Fun stuff! :rock
just picked this up at wal-mart....79.99...the doc is for reference


I did'nt realize that when Optimus and Bone Crusher were going at it,Optimus also chops off BC's arm right before he shuvs his sword into his scull.I think that Megatron had the best voice out of all of the TF's

I remember a lot of gripes when the film came out about Prime only having his mouth guard in the final battle, but if you keep a sharp eye during this fight, you'll notice he has it too. (Not directing this at you chavez, just using the scene information you posted.)

For me, between overall quality and nostalgia, Peter Cullen as Prime was the best voice, Megatron wasn't anything amazing to me. I will say, after watching the bonus materials, I'm glad they didn't use Welker for the voice, it fit with the character design on the cartoon, but they show movie Megatron speaking with that voice from a demo and it just doesn't fit right.
I remember a lot of gripes when the film came out about Prime only having his mouth guard in the final battle, but if you keep a sharp eye during this fight, you'll notice he has it too. (Not directing this at you chavez, just using the scene information you posted.)

For me, between overall quality and nostalgia, Peter Cullen as Prime was the best voice, Megatron wasn't anything amazing to me. I will say, after watching the bonus materials, I'm glad they didn't use Welker for the voice, it fit with the character design on the cartoon, but they show movie Megatron speaking with that voice from a demo and it just doesn't fit right.

Yeah optimus did have a great voice too,but I think that Megatron had the great voice and way cooler lines then Optimus like,"You fight for them and that's why you'll die like them".
Yeah optimus did have a great voice too,but I think that Megatron had the great voice and way cooler lines then Optimus like,"You fight for them and that's why you'll die like them".

Actually, that ties into the low-point of the film; I'm an Optimus fan all the way, and for the storyline Bumblebee fit with Sam and all, but I wish Prime had gotten more screen time.
For me, the TF dialogue highlight was the 86 film nod, "One shall stand, one shall fall." It just embodies the nobility of Optimus and the determination of the Autobots.
For me, the TF dialogue highlight was the 86 film nod, "One shall stand, one shall fall." It just embodies the nobility of Optimus and the determination of the Autobots.

Yeah I liked that line in the original 80s movie too but thought that Optimus did'nt deliver it as well this time around.That's kind of what I was refering to earlier,some of the way Optimus' lines were said when fighting Megatron made him sound like a ***** and unlike in the original film when OP and Megs were fighting,Megs sounded more confident and in control then OP in the this one,when in the original it was the other way around even when optimus was taking alot of cheap shots from Megs.

So no offense to all the OP lovers out there,I love Optimus as much as everyome else too,but just thought that megs had a cool voice along with some really great lines and I just thought he sounded really cool when he said them.Every time my son has seen the parts were megs speaks he looks at me and opens his mouth with a sigh,and says WoW cool.
UGH! I am still waiting for my Best Buy DVD Giftset to come to me. Why did I order the DVD (first time).. Should have went to the damn store. I figured what if it was a online only exclusive? That's what originally said. Dammit!
UGH! I am still waiting for my Best Buy DVD Giftset to come to me. Why did I order the DVD (first time).. Should have went to the damn store. I figured what if it was a online only exclusive? That's what originally said. Dammit!

That's surprising, most places ship so it'll arrive on release date for online pre-orders.
I'm glad they didn't use Welker for the voice, it fit with the character design on the cartoon, but they show movie Megatron speaking with that voice from a demo and it just doesn't fit right.


I'll admit that the clip showed on the DVD sucked but if they would have really wanted Welker, they should have used some newer dialouge. Using old recordings was pretty pathetic. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Welker is THE #1 voice actor. His resume speaks for itself.

Even Cullen doesn't sound exactlly the same as he did in the G1 series. Welker could have no doubt done an extrordinary job voicing Megatron. His work on the video game is awesome!!!

I'll admit that the clip showed on the DVD sucked but if they would have really wanted Welker, they should have used some newer dialouge. Using old recordings was pretty pathetic. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Welker is THE #1 voice actor. His resume speaks for itself.

Even Cullen doesn't sound exactlly the same as he did in the G1 series. Welker could have no doubt done an extrordinary job voicing Megatron. His work on the video game is awesome!!!

I'm only basing the opinion off of that clip on the DVD, and if we'd gotten that I don't think it would have worked, that's not to say new recordings wouldn't have been ok, but the only judge of how it could have been is that DVD extras clip.
Yeah I liked that line in the original 80s movie too but thought that Optimus did'nt deliver it as well this time around.That's kind of what I was refering to earlier,some of the way Optimus' lines were said when fighting Megatron made him sound like a ***** and unlike in the original film when OP and Megs were fighting,Megs sounded more confident and in control then OP in the this one,when in the original it was the other way around even when optimus was taking alot of cheap shots from Megs.

I haven't seen the movie, but from the DVD ads I can tell you whats wrong, his voice is weak, almost eledrey, it lacks the power of the original seires, no doubt Bay's doing.
I haven't seen the movie, but from the DVD ads I can tell you whats wrong, his voice is weak, almost eledrey, it lacks the power of the original seires, no doubt Bay's doing.

Actually most likely the fact that Cullen is old, it's been almost 25 years since G1 started, lots can happen to voices in that time. Listen to Yoda in Empire Strikes back compared to any Prequel film and you tell time has affected Frank Oz' voice a bit.