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The only way Takara could make a better one is if they could get it to look like Ultimetal Megatron in robot mode which is nigh impossible on a toy that has to transform.

Good point that UM Megatron is almost perfect,I hope they tweak the face tho. I plan on ordering it and will use it as a stand alone piece ,wasnt feelin the Optimus so I passed. Cant wait for this Megatron its coming along great so far and supposedly test samples are in the process of being sent to reviewers. Getting close guys.
Original looks a whole lot more like the animation model to me. And better, you can't know that until people have it in hand. Looking at this it's just as fiddly as the MP one. Only thing it will probably lack is the QC issues that plagued the first production run. Other than that, still don't see a point to this, aside maybe for people who missed out on the MP.
Original looks a whole lot more like the animation model to me. And better, you can't know that until people have it in hand. Looking at this it's just as fiddly as the MP one. Only thing it will probably lack is the QC issues that plagued the first production run. Other than that, still don't see a point to this, aside maybe for people who missed out on the MP.

I was referring to Takara not being able to make a better Megatron.

The official Rodimus is one of my least favorite Masterpieces but it pisses on this new one.

As Silent Bob mentioned earlier the thing in Appolyon's chest is the Heart of Cybertron. Here's how it looked in the cartoon,

More Appolyon's,
My Unicron head arrived.

Here's the email from RK. Of course I decided to keep my order!!! Hopefully I can pick up the coin off ebay if they somehow "disappear" from whatever warehouse is storing them now :)

Unicron looks good doesnt he come apart somehow?

you have to fit the horns in which are a ***** without softening the holes first. I used a hair dryer. Comes with a base and switchable eye screens. Looks really cool in hand. The details underneath are impressive too.
The color choices are kinda odd. You'd think if they wanted to make a color metallic it would be the grey not blue.
I don't like the idea of a smiling sculpt only, but it could be lighting and angle. Bumblebee's faces look much better in-hand than they did in pics IMO.

He is up for pre-order on HLJ for about $50 with current currency rates. He's $80 at BBTS. So, I'll get two for about $115 shipped.
Got Dayum! $100+ for an MP carbot!? 3rd parties are straight raping wallets. $70 for Takaras is a bit too much but this is just a rip off.