Anakin Image Thread

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Darth Rage said:
Well I am not surprised at this post.

Your points what Darth? :rolleyes: I feel that the pics by Dave show the over reacting by some and not all mind you was for nothing. I didn't say you over reacted did I? So why the smart ass post towards me?

In general
I swear I pick out something I'm not high on with something and I still get the well he just is a suck up to SS. That's getting real old and I'm to the point if you don't like it that I like SS stuff. You can kiss my ass.
jlcmsu said:
Your points what Darth? :rolleyes: I feel that the pics by Dave show the over reacting by some and not all mind you was for nothing. I didn't say you over reacted did I? So why the smart ass post towards me?

In general
I swear I pick out something I'm not high on with something and I still get the well he just is a suck up to SS. That's getting real old and I'm to the point if you don't like it that I like SS stuff. You can kiss my ass.

Nice signature.
For the record, my "owned" comment was directed toward those who felt the need to compare the crappy quality pics from China with Dave's pics from Toy Fair as "evidence" that the final figure is WAY off. Then Dave himself posts pics he took of the final figure and, while not perfect, it does indeed look much closer to the TF figure than these other recent pictures indicated. And some of us we're trying to get that point across from the beginning (that the photography makes a BIG difference). Yet some people were still freaking out. Therefore... OWNED.
Customikey said:
Just remember: the production pics for Luke sucked too. If all else fails, I'll repaint mine. And yours too!

Seems likely we may be doing business again Mikey, if you can remove the seam and match the Prod pic paint apps.

As if you couldn't! :D

btw, our Luke was VERY close to the first set of the Luke prod pics and Toyfair pics IMO. A definite WOW!
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Every time I see the word "Owned" on a message board it makes me feel like I am surrounded by 16 year old street racers. No offense, I just hate "owned", "pwned", "pwn3d" and all other varients of it.
I've never seen such divisiveness in these forums until the 1/6 Star Wars line started. People scrutinize and pick these things to death to the point that I don't see how they get any joy at all out of collecting them.
Not digging the seam in the hair at all, and now it would appear that "eyeliner" runs in the Skywalker family. The hair should really look more varied, and his face is totally washed out ... the pic Dave took is good, and that is the problem.
KitFisto said:
Every time I see the word "Owned" on a message board it makes me feel like I am surrounded by 16 year old street racers. No offense, I just hate "owned", "pwned", "pwn3d" and all other varients of it.

My feelings exactly.
tomandshell said:
Thanks! I made several last night and I can't decide which one to keep...
You might want to show the one you had up last night. Mr. Rogers and Chuck Norris! :lol
This Photoshop upgrade by Rebelscum member "Tyrannusspotting" is quite impressive. Looks just like Hayden:


All he did was make the eyebrows thinner, the eyes whiter and "fix" the lips.

Holy.....Tyrannus from Rebelscum is the MAN!

Check out this photoshop modification he just did. I have never seen such a good resemblance to Hayden Christiansen until now. It is amazing how small minor tweaks can bring out Hayden from the sculpt. If it only took him a few minutes on photoshop to do this, why couldn't Sideshow find this look? I really don't think it would cost more. They are simply artistic decisions that need to be explored further.

IrishJedi, repost your pic with Hayen so we can compare the resemblance to the photoshop mod.
And again, notice that minor tweaks in the eyes, eyebrows, and lips is ALL it took to bring out the best likeness of Hayden that I've ever seen. So lifelike, it is mind boggling.